FOWLR ick problem


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I have a 125 Fowlr, uped from a 65. It has a few pieces of LR w some mushrooms, zoos and polys. Not too much but adds some color but i wont be upset if they get nipped at. Added 6 fish from liveaquaria, 1 wrase got lost, 5 got ick and died and gave it to 2 of my existing fish. Did wc and added 6 more, after they had a week in qt w/ copper meds .
Another wrass disapered, 3 died from ick and 1 clown has ick now. 1 wrass apears fine. I have a puffer, a blenny type, a marine betta and snoflake eel, plus the wrass i am feeding medicated food.
What to do? UV? I also have 3 bta's and snails and crabs so i dont think copper in whole tank will work
So these sick fish are in your QT or in your DT? QT should really be a minimum of 4 weeks and that's if they're eating, looking healthy and have showed no signs of disease/parasites. I believe people recommend hypo-salinity to help treat ich, around a sg of 1.008.
I think wrasses bury in that sand. And fish should be in quarantine for a good while just to make sure they at ok.
You can not run hypo in the display tank with any inverts, coral, or nems.. You can however run hypo in a QT. The puffer and the eel can stay in the DT (Not prone to Ich and very hard to treat for anything anyways), everything else needs to go to a QT and be treated. I would recommend a 45 min "bath" in Formalin before they go into QT. You could use a Malicite Green and Formalin combo if straight Formalin is hard to find. Jeremy at SEA can point you in the right direction there with what he has in stock. Anyways, I am a fan of hypo, others are not, it can do SOME harm especially if you try to bring the fish out of hypo too quickly but I have never lost a fish to the method. It can screw with the bacteria in tangs but you do not have a tang so we are good there. But I would run the fish at a slight hypo for 5-6 weeks. Adding some Methaline Blue would not be a bad idea either. If they show signs of Ich, do another bath and start the timer again. I only run copper as a last resort.

Lets be clear though, I highly doubt that your fish died from Ich. Ich rarely kills fish. Secondary infections maybe but not Ich. More than not it is improper treatments that kill the fish (such as misuse of copper) or people flipping out and stressing the fish out. All these things are not Ich killing the fish. A good parasite does not kill the host.
I was able to eradicate ich just by feeding medicated food. Here's the thread:"></a>

The only fish I lost was a Mandarin who was just eat up with it and sat on the bottom of the tank suffering. It was tough to watch.
Check your parameters - nitrate and phosphate, especially with as many fishes you have already "puffer, a blenny type, a marine betta and snoflake eel, plus the wrass". It may be adding more fish to an already stocked tank is what's really causing ich, i.e. stress, problems in your tank.

Btw, no triggerfish in an FOWL? ;)