Frag rack


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I'm looking for a frag rack, but looks like not much option here, so I may have to DYI 1 temporarily for now, but I don't even know where to start. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
I've seen them made out of eggcrate and magnets, Also if you had a nice formed piece of acrylic you can pick out a certain frag plug and drill holes that match for a nice tight fit
just get the big magfloat and super glue a piece of eggcrate to it. ive heard of people ziptie'ing them on, but mine is glued
Built mine out of an old Koralia magnet and eggcrate then used aquamend to attach it, Worked great.
If you don't want to DIY, I carry Eshopps Frag Racks.

Awesome, thanks everyone for the ideas/offers.

Tony, I'll call you later today. Thanks.
I also own the Eshopps which is aesthetically much more pleasing. My only "criticism" is that their base holes do not accomodate many of the frag bases. This is just my experience. But I like the units and design a lot.PR had a great deal on the them a few weeks ago.
I get to see 1 of these some day. Right now I need to bring all my frags up and away from the sand bed because my horseshoes are knocking these frags all over the place.