Frag setup


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I'm looking to set up a frag tank in a couple of months. Really trying to decide on whether I should integrate it into my display tank or not. Obviously, if it's separate it can also act as sort of a quarantine tank, but honestly I'm not worried about that. Does anybody with the current setup have any pros and cons as well as ideas on how to set it up if it's integrated?
About to setup ours plumbed into our display on the other side of the wall. Picked up an 80 gallon Deep Blue RR 4'x2'x16". Aside from needing its own lights and power heads, the rest is all shared. Increased overall system volume should add stability. Can share heat, filtration, dosing, parameter monitoring, automation etc. Not having to double up on equipment and maintenance was the deciding factor in combining it vs. doing a fully separate system.
The best way is obviously 2 separate systems. This will help control pests. While the costs may be more up front, in the end keeping pests out of your main system is the goal so that can far out weigh those added costs. Anytime you can treat a smaller system vs a larger system is a win, also reduces the chances of nuking the main display should you get some bugs with frags, etc. When I do frag systems, I never add them into 1 system, always separate. Just my .02
For me the question was QT. I know we have a lot of different thoughts on QT for coral but Humblefish says QT, so I QT :cool:
It was easy none expensive setup for me. 40 Breeder, rock, heaters, gyre and for more bioload and filtration I added a HOB. Oh and the diy frag rack.
About to setup ours plumbed into our display on the other side of the wall. Picked up an 80 gallon Deep Blue RR 4'x2'x16". Aside from needing its own lights and power heads, the rest is all shared. Increased overall system volume should add stability. Can share heat, filtration, dosing, parameter monitoring, automation etc. Not having to double up on equipment and maintenance was the deciding factor in combining it vs. doing a fully separate system.
This was my idea as well. It seems that all I would have to do is tee off of my return pump and then run the overflow from the frag tank into my sump. Is that about right?