Frag Tank Suggestions??


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I want to set up a small frag tank but I do not know what I need as far as Filtration, Light, and others. I know it is best to have a shallow tank/tub to work with but I do not know how to go about setting one up. Thanks!
No magic really...

Whether you call it a fragging tank, or perhaps better, a propogation tank. You set it up like any other... The works (overflow, sump, skimmer, top off, etc...) However, you don't have to worry about the looks of the tank all that much (just the corals in it).

For the best lighting and working convenience the tanks are generally shallower and perhaps wider. Pass on the canopy and set your lights up so that they can be moved out of the way without an act of God...

Great idea if you have a "fish room". Also it is easier if you can plum it into an existing sump (from an existing reef tank :)

Yup- same thing as any other tank - lots of light, flow, etc.
What is the best way to plum into your sump? How would you control water levels in case of pump failure?
Well the concepts are simple...

Nothing goes into the sump unless it is gravity fed... Nothing! (in the rare case where the sump (or refuge) is higher than the main tank, the reverse is true.

The pump (or pumps) can be placed in the sump and plumed back into the tank or connected externally. I ALWAYS plum return lines over the top (as opposed to connected to a bulkhead) in order to create siphon breaks (e.g. drill holes at the water line) Note: Pluming bulkheads is acceptable in closed systems.

Once you plum it and run it. Turn it off. If it overflows, you have too much water in the system or you are creating a siphon and need to drill an air break. If you cannot cut the power without it overflowing, you have built it wrong. You WILL lose power at some time (even with a ups). This should not cause a flood in any case!

You can mark high and low water marks on your sump to help with water top off and changes.

My $.02 worth
