Frag tanks?


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Ok, I've been doing some thinking and when i get down to Miami I want to set up a frag tank in addition to the main display....I think the tank and lights I have now are perfect for it but wanted to see what you guys thought.

It's a 30 long (so not deep) and I have the 4 bulb Tek T-5 fixure. I'd like to keep SPS so I do have to consider that, but I am not sure if for a frag tank you need mac daddy lights????? Do you?

Also, does a 30g frag tank need a sump/skimmer set up? If so, how big a skimmer? Can I just use an Aqua C remora HOB?
Just plumb it into your display then you won't need redundant equip and you'll increase your water volume.
I would definitely go with a sump and since you want to keep sps I'd put a skimmer on it as well. The sump should be big enough to hold a lot of live rock since the tank itself probably won't have much rock in it.

I have a 30G Breeder as a frag tank with a 29G drilled and baffled for a sump. The sump holds about 50lbs of live rock and some chaeto.
flyingarmy;140347 wrote: Just plumb it into your display then you won't need redundant equip and you'll increase your water volume.

Mark, I was actually wondering about this when I saw the set up at your house and I forgot to ask......Doesn't this kind of defeat this purpose of a frag QT tank in that if the corals have anything it ends up in the same system?

I guess also though that if you dip corals you shouldn't worry about it right?

Buds...thanks for the tip....on my current set up the sump is 20 long so essentially I could just keep the same exact set up....even the skimmer is good for it I would imagine (turboflotor 1000).
Jgoal55;140812 wrote: Doesn't this kind of defeat this purpose of a frag QT tank in that if the corals have anything it ends up in the same system?

You never said anything about a QT frag tank... Only a Frag tank.. ;)
good point.....well I guess the question now becomes whats the point of a frag tank if not a QT frag tank?
I would not have a combo QT/frag tank. If you need to treat a fish with meds then you'd have to clear out the frag tank to do so since you don't want to treat the frags. I keep a Eclipse 6 GAL for my QT ready to go(just add water). My frag is a 40GAL breeder acrylic laying on the front with with back cut out and a lexan piece silconed into place where the original top was. If you would like to some see the setup again just let me know Jorge.
I remember your set up pretty well Markbut thanks anyway....I guess i was unclear as to what the purpose of a frag tank was...I just assumed that it was always a coral QT tank as well. Not like Brandon said, a "grow out" tank. I guess then the better question is what is needed for a frag QT tank....given that there is a small chance I may start over, I dont see myself fragging for quite some time.
For a frag QT tank, you need pretty much the same that you need for a fish QT tank. You might want to use one of the 6500K clip on lights, a few pumps, a HOB filter, and some egg crate to put the plugs into so they stand up... That is about it... They are only going to be in there for 15 days or so if there are no problems.
so no skimmer necessary then? As for lights I cna use my current light set up of tek t5 right?
Ya I would not use a skimmer, not going to be in there long enough for the skimmer to pull anything (plus you should not have much waste).. That fixture should work.