Fragging Mushrooms


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Chicago area
So I have about 12ish mushrooms growing on one piece of rubble rock that I set down on a section of live rock. Its gotten huge since the led light upgrage. How do I get some of them seperated to glue to the main rockwork.? Or just leave it? I moved it off the sand because it was too big there?


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Put them in a blender and then put them in a clear tupperware container with clear plastic screen rubberbanded over the top and have rubble in the container.

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Use a cutting wheel on a dremel, bandsaw or bone cutter to cut the rock. You can superglue the cut pieces or rock with a mushroom wherever you want to spread it around your display but keep in mind mushrooms have a way of taking over real estate. Might want to attach them to smaller rocks you can remove for trimming to keep them from taking over.
My mushrooms live on an island rock. Occasionally, some get pushed off the edge and sit in sand bed or attach to empty shells nearby. I’ve got 3 up for sale right now. They’re beautiful, but they can take up real estate as @dball711 stated.