Free coral food?


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Stone Mountain
How many of you blow off your rocks on a regular basis as a way of feeding your corals? When I'm hunting vermetid snail, I'll blow off the rocks and wait a few minute for slime trails to pop up but that's about it. I've heard two different and well respected members of our humble community mention doing it and I'm just wondering how common it is. Corals and vermetid snails eat some of the same stuff and it makes sense that blowing off rocks would also feed corals but I've never made it a regular part of my reefing routine. I have read where folks will blow out their rocks to try and get rid of small piles of detritus that might release nitrates but I haven't heard of it used much specifically to feed corals.

Sorry for the potentially misleading title. Originally I didn't have the question mark and it was really misleading.
I take a Turkey baster to my rocks and also to the bottom of my sump and push every thing toward the return once a week. Looks like a blizzard. Couple hours later I gotta replaced my filter sock and everyone seems happy
Haha. I see Dave told you about that as well. I just picked up another power head to try this trick myself.
Absolutel, it was almost an addiction for feedin, cleaning & polyps reaction. Then again everything about this hobby is addicting :)
Once a week I use a maxijet to blast off the rocks, you'd be surprised what comes out week after week. In the past I've used it to remove cyano from corals as well.
Maxijet 1200 ziptied to 2' piece of 1/2" PVC and an extension cord. You can get most anywhere in the tank & sump. I got the trick from a BRS video where they use a PMUP but I'm not gonna buy a Neptune pump for that.