Free Food at meeting


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Ok because a few people wanted to get wings, so instead of 40 i'll bring 60 peices, split 3 ways between mild, fried, and honey. Whatever is left after people get done buying them will be free for everyone to share. They will be fresh cooked and straight off the Tyson truck.
Asian guy with dark frame glasses and pink polo with jeans.
Thanks for bringing out the wings! I wasn't able to eat any myself but I know that there werent any left by the end of the night!
:) A little good goes around. I won a frag and the calcium and got a free birdsnest. Everyone wins at meetings
LOL! Good times. Thanks for the food and I hope you enjoy the trade. I know I will.
Thanks for the chaeto and mysis shrimps, Ouling. Next time I should be able to give you something back.
Ouling, thanks for being so generous! :thanks: I appreciate the mysis shrimp, cheato and your fabulous wings!

BTW, is there any special food that or food preparation that you're feeding the mysis population to get their population to grow?

Great wings, Thank you for being so generous. That is what this club is all about!