Free FW Plants and Fish


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I am going to be breaking down a 18 year old 75 gallon FW plant tank - looking for a home for the following

6 adult (probably 8 years old) Angels
4 adult clown loaches
4 cory cats
12 red tetras
2 dwarf plecos

various plants including a couple of large swords

I am breaking down this tank so it can be used as a sump for a new reef build I have started.

also, I have JBJ reaction 4-stage canister filter with built in uv sterilizer (less than a year old) that I would love to trade for your used SW equipment - sump pump, protein skimmer, lighting...
I am interested in plants. And maybe some of the fish. I have a 60 gallon planted tank that needs some plants and has room for additional fish. PM me and we can talk.
Clown loaches are great and four is the perfect number of them to have. If you have an open area for them to swim, they'll school in a straight line. They use to do this in my 100 gallon cichlid tank.
good deal. LMK if the loachs fall through i've always wanted a little group of them
just my luck I am breaking down my 75 reef and seting it up planted for my son. so If your looking for some good corals and live rock at great prices pm me john