Free swiming copepod


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anyone ever seen free swiming copepod
in their tank.

I only see the crawing ones

is it that the filter sucks them out the tank, or I just need glasses

I have seen some once in a reef store
they were pretty cool to look at
Take a piece of rock out of your tank and drop it in some Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure. Those little guys will go flying all over the place. I haven't actually seen them swim in my tank though.
Y ai see them swim in my tank... Now more then ever since there are no fish in there and the pods are taking over like the plague.
Look in at night.

I use a blue lava lamp behind my tank as a "moon light", and if I look at the glass nearest the light, they're all over the place. They seem to come out at night, when it's probably the safest environment for them to be out.
They usually don't swim for too long in my tanks.

My Gramma and Pseudochromis snatch them up faster than you can say "Dinner Time!" LOL
I think I know what you're talking about with free swimming pods, its like an actual cloud of pods swimming around in a school. I've seen that in a friend's tank and it turned out to be mysis... lucky guy.
Well it was at nighttime. All the fishies were sleeping when they came out :). Only the soon to be dearly departed would venture out in the daytime.
yeah I think that was what I saw
it was a shool of them in this tank(225 gal)
there were nothing in the tank but live sand
this was a store in Greenwich CT (House of Fin's)
I was blown away just watching them swim

how do I get some in my Refugium there are no fish in there
I don't know how, but I got live mysis in both my 15 and my 5.

No fish in my 5, so I see them all day long.

PM me if you want one of my rocks for your sump. Bound to be a few on it.

Oh... uh.... the 5 is my Majano tank.... bound to be a few of those as well.
As far as I know the crawly things you see are amphipods. Copepods are very very tiny and are hard to see. If there bug looking things crawling around there probably amphipods...

peace and afro greese...

Come take a look at my Free swimming pods everywhere!!! It's like little copepod orgies. They're everywhere! Little dots swirling around in groups.