Fresh water test on new part II


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Ohhhhh boy.... Time to fix some plumbing leaks! I guess I shouldn't have stayed up till 7:30 am monday morning putting the plumbing together. By the end of it, I was totally delirius, which might explain a few things. Nothing major, just a few bad joints.

The two major things I noticed are that the overflows are really loud (I need to either widen the teeth, raise the dursos, or do both), and the flow through the sump seems too fast, and is giving me noise and lots of bubbles. Time to go back to the drawing board and see if I can address these issues when I'm a bit more rested.

I can't believe how much water the two Darts push! Even after plenty of head loss I think I'm maxing out both 1.5" drains. When I dial the pump back a bit things calm down a little, but it's still a bit much, I think...

Also, my syphon break holes don't seem to be working, so I'll need to fix that... Stay tuned--This may take another fresh water test before I go live with it.
I've taken the pictures and have them on my computer, but my "drag and drop" function doesn't seem to be working--It says I have to download ACtiveX, even though I had this function working earlier. It says click on the information bar to download it--What information bar??? Help me out and I'll post some pics. I'm up draining the tank right now (another late night, it seems...)
jessezm;30049 wrote: I've taken the pictures and have them on my computer, but my "drag and drop" function doesn't seem to be working--It says I have to download ACtiveX, even though I had this function working earlier. It says click on the information bar to download it--What information bar??? Help me out and I'll post some pics. I'm up draining the tank right now (another late night, it seems...)

The should be an information bar that is displayed directly below your address bar or at the very top of the website. It's a thin tan color bar.
Aren't you glad it was only fresh water in your system! :) I ran fresh water in mine for over a week when I first set it up, just to make sure all was well. Congrats on the "dry run"!
No go on the photos still... And YES I AM GLAD IT WAS FRESH!!! Can you imagine filling a 200g tank for three days and having to empty it??? I'll fill it again with fresh water before I finally go with salt.