Freshwater Tank Problem


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Hey guys, sorry this isn't a reef question, but my brother-in-law is having a problem with his planted freshwater tank. He says it's very cloudy- here's his message:

hey man,
i'm still having problems with the tank, i've tried some of the cloud removers without any success. i don't think it's the nitrate because the fish seem just as healthy and happy as before. after reading some things online i remember noticing last week that one of the big plants leaves was decaying so i'm not sure if that was the problem, but i decide to get rid of them, i really didn't care for them anyway after seeing them in the tank. how would you recommend me changing the tank or any other suggestions. it's killing me to have to look at it everyday and not get any clearer. sorry to keep bugging you but, thanks

So does anyone have any suggestions for Mike?
yup i was a fresh water guy for a while. I had the same thing happen to me and my solution was i was overfeeding big time. I reduced feeding and did weekly 25% water changes using a python. It was a breeze using that thing and my problem cleared away. I would almost guarantee he is feeding to much.
Bryan....yup sounds like overfeeding ...a nice water change should help if that dont work tell him there is always SALTWATER tanks cant beat a nice reef....hope this help's keep us posted....thanks Danny
Thanks for the advice, guys. I did tell him to do waterchanges every other day (when in doubt, change the water!)
I like using Seachem Purigen. I use it in both my FW tanks and it stays crystal clear. A lot of FW plants can't live very well in standard aquarium lights, they need more light kinda like corals (not as intense). Petsmart usually carries it.

jefftullius;40637 wrote: A lot of FW plants can't live very well in standard aquarium lights, they need more light kinda like corals (not as intense)

Yeah, I gave him my old 110 watt PC fixture (which was enough for my LTA), so if anything he may have too much light. What do you think?
HA- watch out- once you get the saltwater bug there's no known cure, and the major symptoms are a dwindling bank account and a pi$$ed off wife/girlfriend!
You need to run your lights just like SW reefers. You should only have the 2x65's on for only @10 hours and have a smaller (dimmer) light on the hour before and the hour after to simulate night/dawn/day/eve/night. May add some iron there's a fw package for plants I got from Petsmart that has all the different supplements you need for plants. I quit using real plants in mine and only use artificials.
Stroid;40631 wrote: yup i was a fresh water guy for a while. I had the same thing happen to me and my solution was i was overfeeding big time. I reduced feeding and did weekly 25% water changes using a python. It was a breeze using that thing and my problem cleared away. I would almost guarantee he is feeding to much.

Stroid the Convicts you donated to Hubbard Elementry School, Had a whole herd (mini school) baby convicts. I was feeding them and ready to vacuum the tank when I saw them as of now (and I won't see them again until Monday) mother and babies are doing fine.
jefftullius;40652 wrote: You need to run your lights just like SW reefers. You should only have the 2x65's on for only @10 hours and have a smaller (dimmer) light on the hour before and the hour after to simulate night/dawn/day/eve/night. May add some iron there's a fw package for plants I got from Petsmart that has all the different supplements you need for plants. I quit using real plants in mine and only use artificials.

This is pretty good stuff I never bought it from this place, but it's one of the items I used for plants."></a>,
Another good product:
jefftullius;40653 wrote: Stroid the Convicts you donated to Hubbard Elementry School, Had a whole herd (mini school) baby convicts. I was feeding them and ready to vacuum the tank when I saw them as of now (and I won't see them again until Monday) mother and babies are doing fine.
fantastic I am glad the kids will get to see that the convicts are great parents. Let me know if any of the fry are pink I figure the male is due to produce one pink baby.
Going back to the cloudiness question--sounds like a classic bacterial bloom. I have successfully used something like "aglae fix" which cleared that up in hours and suffered no ill side effects. Just not to be overdosed...

This was after trying several large water changes only to have the cloudiness return, and I used it as a last resort. My problem was using large riverstones that trapped fish waste and uneaten food, i think.
Unlike SW tanks in a FW you want to jam the vacuum into the gravel to clean out waste. It will look really nasty, but if you have indoor plants or tomato plant GREAT fertilizer. I vacuumed out my tanks every week the Discus tank gets it twice a week.