Frogspawn and hammer ?


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They arent opening for two days now got my water tested yesterday and everything is spot on great! So idk whats goin on.... And no ones had their hands in it. Everything was doing fine and between 1-2 pm it just closed up and hasn't opened since. Any ideas on what has happened?
Any pictures? Do you have any types of shrimp or something that might of bothered them?
Nope no shrimp anymore and no need for pics they are just tightly closed up man nothing crazy goin on.
I just did a 5 gallon water change and had it tested and everything is perfect water lvls are perfect. Everything else. In the tank is fine sps, zoas everything... But the hammer and frogspawn are judt not opening up at all. No algae in my tank nothing new added nothing has changed they are just staying closed up tight for done reason and today is day two. Im honestly thinking about selling everything off and starting over with a 12-14 gallon biocube
mine have done this from time to time...something is bothering them. give is a couple of days and if they dont open then there may be a problem. If you tested everything you can and have looked for other possibilities but cant find any then just roll with it, nothing you can really do...IME both of these corals are pretty easy and rebound quickly. It may have just been something in your water change...