Frogspawn Coral


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hey all,

I just purchased a frogsapwn coral and was wondering what the best place to put him was....

right now I have him towards the bottom of a 30 long in a low-medium flow is pretty strong everywhere in the tank considerng I have 156 watts of T-5's on the tank but because Drs. F&S said moderate lighting is good I have a little under a piece of live rock so the light doenst hit him directly......

how does that sound?

You can move it out on the the sandbed or keep it in the lower half of the tank. They can actually handle a pretty good bit of light. The important thing to do is slowly aclimate it to the light.
Its just above the sandbed....about 2 inches and away from any other corals...

how do you go about acclamamting them to the light...he was under halides at the store...he is now going under the T-5's.

He should be fine under your T5 if he was under Halides at the store But you might want to acclamate just to be on the safe side. To give you an idea. I have my Frogspawn, hammer and torch all together about 1/2 the way up my 55G under my 2 x 175W halide lighting. The love it. Now they are inbetween the two bulbs so there is not beaming light on them but they love it. Too acclamate to the light start low and every other day or two move up to a different lighting "section" till you get them where you want them. You will know if he does not like where he is.

Just keep him away from anyother coral that is not like him (ie, Hammer and Torch) he will kill most anything he comes in direct contact (or can get his sweepers on). You might want to extend that 2" to about 4" just to be safe. They do not reach nearly as much as galaxia but they can reach at night.
my frogspawn cant extend each sweepers to about 4"-5" so yeah try to keep them away from other things that they can kill