
reefman toro

New Member
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I just purchase 2 frogspawns yesterday. I bluish and a brown/maroonish, I m such a newb lol

At any rate...They are about 3/4 hig up in the reef..fairly strong light, med to moderate flow...Is that ok??

One has opened up real well the other is still shy...

I've read that they will close if the flow is too high. These guys are also aggressive, so you want to give them at least an inch or so in every direction, as they can sting, irritate and kill other corals.

Mine is actually in my sandbed, front-corner of my tank in low-moderate flow and moderate light.

One of my favorite pieces. Good choice!

Gotcha...I was hoping to fill a void in my top right of my tank...needs color lol

Ill try moving the one thats NOT open...maybe thats the case...Ill leave the other, he/she seems to be content...
You know Linda....I think Ill give it the day...if for no other reason just so I dont stressed it out moving too often...I started to move him and noticed the LR he is on is in front of a larger piece with flow not as great as I may have thought. BUT, if you think he/she (dont want to be sexist) may be better off in the substrate Ill pluck em down... :)
Was just telling you what worked for me. I'm a *newbie* too.

I've found that for every request for advice that's posted here, you'll get several (sometimes, seemingly conflicting) replies. Much is common sense and much is trial and error.

The very best advice I ever received when I first came here was from Brandon (Xyzpdq0121) when he basically told me to read, read and read some more and to research absolutely everything before buying.

Someone said *postive results happen slowly in a reeftank ~ disasterous results happen quickly*, so taking things slowly is my motto.

============;69670 wrote: You know Linda....I think Ill give it the day...if for no other reason just so I dont stressed it out moving too often...I started to move him and noticed the LR he is on is in front of a larger piece with flow not as great as I may have thought. BUT, if you think he/she (dont want to be sexist) may be better off in the substrate Ill pluck em down... :)
The more I read...and Ive read A LOT...Just ask the wife...the more conflicting stories you will get...Im not just talking forums but the internet in general...

I ask to get different opinions...put em all in one pot and it might even work :)

And Linda, if a newb is making their reef work then that works for me too!!!

Everything is going great in my tank, nitrates have been like 20 since the day I brought it home (was set up prior). I started to really worry at first but everything is working well..and seems very healthy.

I value your opinion, I can tell you about dogs, horses, cars, helis..Ill ask about refs :)