Fuge: Reverse cycle or 24hrs?


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Just finished setting up my fuge on my new 90. It's got a 4" DSB and a wad of chaeto about the size of a softball (thanks LilRobb!). I've got it hooked to the output of my Phosban reactor which is running carbon from a MJ 4, dialed back so the carbon doesn't bubble. I figure it's at least 50gph, at most 90gph. This should be slow enough for the fuge, right? No rock in there currently, but I will move some in as time passes. I've probably got 30lbs throughout the rest of the sump.

So on to the question, what is the best lighting schedule to run? I really don't think the flow is high enough that a reverse cycle will be able to help balance the pH swing that much, so I don't "need" to do that.

Oh, and what's another good algae to throw in there that won't spread to the rest of the tank?

And if you wouldn't mind, could you back up your votes with evidence or links so I can do more research. I'm bored listening about inventory tracking systems.
ares;371168 wrote: not 24 hours thats for sure, not for cheato. you NEED darkness for cheato, not much, an hour or 2 is fine. some other macro types have different needs.

I used to run reverse light, but my fuge light was shining on my tank, alot... and the corals on that tank didnt look as good. so I switched.

btw, the PH swings were not as dramaticly different as might be expected. there is a substantial swing day to night, but the difference was all of maybe .03 on the nighttime low vs with or without the fuge light.

Wait so cheto needs only 2 hours of light or darkness?? I'm just a little confused.
Haha, alright.

The main thing is right now it's on my DJ switch, but I guess I can move it over to the Reefkeeper. I really need to get another PC4, I hate having to try to decide what I want to keep controlled.
People always say cheato needs a time of darkness but mine does not and grows great. I am sure that science can prove that it would do better with darkness. I pull about a 3 qts of cheato out of my fug in 2 to 3 weeks. Now if I had room for another timer that would fit on the strip I would shut it off for 3 hrs but I don't, so it does not.

I have yet to see that having a reverse cycle actually helps with PH. IMO you would need to have a huge fuge to counter act the PH drop I get from my calcium reactor.

And this is exactly why I have the poll...mixed answers from very experienced people I trust.
To add some more confusion to the mix, I have mine on 24/7 (since my super duper quality Coralife digital timer took a dump on me). My chaeto has grown ZERO. Replacing today with a mechanical timer (thanks to the awesomeness that is DrNecropolis), so we'll see.
I run my REF light in reverse to the main lighting. Helps me to keep the heat down a little.
Mine is on 24 hours and I pull out about a gallon of chaeto every month.
I guess I'll just play around. For now I'm going to leave it on a reverse schedule.

Thanks guys! I feel like my tank finally stepped up its game now that there's a properly sized fuge.

Any thoughts on other algae besides chaeto? I'm all for some variety, but no halimeda is going in there.
jeep9783;371555 wrote: what is wrong with halimeda....

Sucks out calcium.

I looked into mangroves but it seems you need A LOT for them to make a noticeable difference. I don't want the caulerpa spreading to the tank, anyone had that happen?
It's in a 14x14x14 container with a 4" DSB and around 80gph of flow right now. It's not enough flow to make it tumble, but I've looked at adding a powerhead or something to the fuge, so it would work like a recirc skimmer kinda.
What does the tumbling effect do vs. the slow flow????? Is it better to tumble Cheato?
I think I read that the tumbling helps it grow on all sides, not just the side with light. That way as it rolls around all sides get some light.
I've tried both, and I'll share my experience. Both tumbling vs. slow, and 24 vs. Reverse.

I had my fuge on reverse cycle to begin with. Cheato grew well, but not as much as I expected. Month or two later my timer died, and I didn't have a spare, so I just plugged it in for 24hr, fully planning on getting a new timer. Life got in the way and I forgot. I now pull out a gallon at least of cheato a month. Way more then I did before.

In the 24hr cycle I messed with tumbling or slow flow. Tumbling grew well, and had no die off. Slow flow, it just grows like crazy, I have a bit of die off from the part that is directly above, I think from the heat of the light, but I can't move it farther away.

So, I now run 24hr and slow flow. Works great.

Well, since I posted this, I've had a few different experiences. First, the initial flow was WAY too low and the chaeto died off. I removed the sand bed and just put some rock in there and T'd off the return line to get control over my flow. It's easily running 200gph now and the chaeto is growing nicely. I've had to prune it back twice since the January meeting. I do have die off on the side that is nearest the light, but the whole mass grows, so I'm confident it's okay.