How deep should the sand be in a fuge? i have about 1.5-2 inches is that enough for it to help or should i add a little more. I also plan on having some LR and macro algae.
there is alot of debate on wether to use sand in a fuge. I have about a 3" bed in mine but many people swear on not having sand in a fuge. My next fuge will have no sand
4" is what is recommended. When I set mine up I only had 3" and was told that I should add more but since it was already up and running to only add a 1/4" at a time as to not disturb the aerobic bact in the top layer of sand. Sand will compress and then you will be adding more to keep the level up. Top 1" is aerobic and the rest is the anerobic that you need to get rid of the nitrates. Question for Chrisjet Why would you have a fuge with no sand?
Wouldn't the grain size of the sand play a role in how deep the SB should be? For example, I used about 2.5" of refugium mud capped with an inch of oolite. Someone using a more coarse sand might have to go deeper to get anerobic layers (assuming he/she wants them.)