Fun rot in my Trigger Fish?


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Been in QT for 9 days... Noticed deterioration on the fins. Ammonia was high so I did a 25% water change and added prime. Will prob do a 50% change tomorrow. Any medications I should be using at this point?

Clearly this guy is stressed. He hides any time I come in the room and I haven't seen him actually eat anything yet. Tried mysis and chopped up krill.

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Also - any suggestions on what to feed? I mention above mysis and krill and I have used garlic with it...

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I'd try some live food and do a med treatment for the fin decay cause something other than stress has to be at work there.
Any suggestions on the live food and meds?

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I do not have Selcon... Will look to pick some up. Tried PE Mysis, Sally's frozen krill, new life spectrum pellets, and even tried a hermit (hail marry pass) to see if he would take that. Tried feeding stick and I have tried with and without garlic. Will try some meds..

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I kinda have a feeling it may be your qt tank stressing him honestly. Is the water established?
saltloco;984136 wrote: I kinda have a feeling it may be your qt tank stressing him honestly. Is the water established?

Beginning to think you are right...the qt has been up and running 3 weeks. It was started w/ water from the DT and a bag of matrix. Been using prime and stability and I have been doing at least 2 water changes a week. Have a standard HOB filter, heater, air stone, and PVC.

I have gotten more aggressive w/ water changes ( volume and frequency) and I added a large piece of base rock that I had been curing for 3+ weeks to see if he felt more comfortable with more natural shelter.

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What are your parameters?

It's normal for male blue throats to be really shy and paranoid at first, even in ideal conditions.

If your parameters are off, use some Prime to bind ammonia/nitrite and Stability to help with beneficial bacteria.

He may be eating secretly.

Really appreciate all of the opinions... This guy is definitely challenged socially! Have been using both Prime and Stability. He doesn't seem to have lost any weight... Just the fin issue. Will stay the course and increase water changes to every other day.

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Knowing parameters will help. Are you testing daily?
If you have ammonia in the tank, his gills are burning, and your first sign that something needs to be done immediately. He needs zero ammonia and nitrite. Let me be blunt, if you placed this fish in saltwater without a viable, cycled biofilter he won't last. You are cycling the tank with him in it. Any detectable ammonia is unacceptable and will prove fatal for the fish. You need a cycled established biofilter before placing him in the QT tank, not during or after. Even partial water changes will not correct the matter as long as your tank is cycling.

Get him out of the QT and into a system that is cycled or put him into your display now, for the fish's sake.

I would suggest this for reading: