Funny and not so funny things


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This thread is supposed to bring some light and maybe a bit of humor into everyone’s tank misery...LOL :D

I want to hear some funny and not so funny things that have happened in and around your tanks. I'll start.

I had a nice 220 gallon tank that started developing a little green hair alga. So I decided to get a Lawnmower Blemmy. He was really cool and had loads of personality. Well one day I noticed he was missing. I really didn't think much of it and figured he was in the rock somewhere. Well a couple of days wend by and he was still missing. I started looking behind the tank and all over (figuring he had jumped). I found him in my sump. He was at the beginning of the sump before the first baffle and because I had other stuff to do and because I figured he had been there a couple of days he was fine. Well I started to clean my tank and heard a weird sound coming from my return pump... Then I noticed the tank fill up with...well...lots of small white parts...:( My poor fish apparently went over all the baffles and into the return pump... The rest of the fish in my tank didn't seem to mind the extra food, and the next day I put a strainer on my return pump.
As some of you know Ive only been in this since last July...Bought a 24 Nano from Flinster.

2 1/2 months later a 54 corner from BigD, filled up nicely, beautiful corals, fish, SPS,LPS, GBTA just looking great. 4 months later I sell all livestock and rock, PH's, sump, fuge tank and all to get bux for the Big one...

Then I decided theres no way I can go without a tank until the 600 is ready to be put together and walls knocked out. So, one day after all is gone I buy an 18 Nano for seahorses, set it all up, buy 35 pounds of rock..Looking great and Im told an 18 is just TOO small for horses...

5 days after it was all set up I get a 36 cube, set it up with MORE LR, some corals, 3 ponies, fuge and more....Tank looks great but now I want a RBTA for my B&W Oscellaris clowns but cant with Ponies..

I think it stop when you start to build a 1350 gallon tank.... Or at least untill I want to get that new whaleshark
I had a 10 gallon nano once. One of the first things I put in my tank was this nice little Coral-banded shrimp. He was great, small, and pretty. After a year of so this guy got huge. It seemed like he molted every couple of weeks, he started to mess with some of my fish, picking at them when they were sleeping. Well one day I found a great deal on a Fire shrimp and thought man I can't pass this up. I started to acclimate the shrimp the way I did everything else; I floated him in the tank. I noticed the CB shrimp (My wife calls him Evil Bob) trying to get to the Fire shrimp. I figured that they would have it out and find there own piece or the tank... Man was I wrong. From the second I let the Fire shrimp into the tank Evil Bob chased him everywhere. Again I figured they would work it out. I came back an hour later and Evil Bob had the Fire shrimp firmly in his grasp and was eating his head. Evil Bob eventually at the entire Fire shrimp... Then proceeded to molt again two days later.