FW Dip for a Tank?!?!?


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Ok, everyone. Possible stupid question lies ahead...

So, my fallow period is over, and it is time to start consolidating my tanks. I have a 20g long tank that currently houses my mantis shrimp. My mantis will be going to my 55g (currently operating as a QT tank). Basically, the tanks will be switching roles.

My 20g long mantis tank had two fish in them that were known ich carriers. What I wanted to do was fill the 55g with a vinegar/RODI water solution and place the 20g tank inside the 55g tank with the HOB filters running (empty) on the 55g for a week, or so to rid both of them of any harmful parasites and a general cleaning and pest eradication and a thorough rinsing in preparation for their new roles of hosting new healthy fish.

This should clean both tanks, and begin to purge the 55g of any copper residuals, correct?

Sorry. I'm just absolutely terrified of ich, and don't want any residual copper to harm my mantis. LOLz...