FW Setup ?'s


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My friend is buying SCMsteve's 75 gallon. He wants to make it for FW. Since the tank already has an overflow would it make sense to put a sump on a FW tank? Also what would be an ideal filter for a FW setup of that size. He wants to put 3 or 4 Jack Dempsey's. If someone could post a link of a good filter I would appreciate it.
I know a lot of people who use a sump with bioballs on their African Cichlid tanks. My brother-in-law uses a canister filter on his 90 gallon cichlid tank.
I think Lee has a Tide pool filter. It is like a sump but with carbon/ bio trays. they rock!
I have a Tide Pool on my 90gl. African Cichlids and I use canisters on my 75gl. Planted Discus tank. The Tide Pool Filter rocks!!!!!:up:

The canisters are filled only with Bioballs.
yeah-I've also had good luck with my cheapy HOB filters from wal-mart (originally came on it)--but a sump would def. be better (and more manly)
Anyone got a link to a "Tidepool Filter"

Thanks for the responces
Here is a link for you.

