FW Shrimp- Live food for Marine?


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This may be a dumb question, but I'm going to ask anyways. It won't be the last for sure!

I am breaking down several FW breeding tanks and have an over abundance of Cherry Shrimp. I'm feeding some to my FW display tanks (loaches love em) and thought about adding a few to my nano for a change. Any reason NOT to? Tank is 20G mixed reef with Yasha Goby / Pistol Shrimp pair, Carpenter's flasher wrasse, and 3 sexy shrimp.

TIA- Len
I have heard of ghost shrimp being acclimated to SW and used as feeders. Maybe the same applies to cherry shrimp???
Len, This sounds very dangerous. You should immediately bring them all down here and dump them in with the mantis for safekeeping.
JessPete;313443 wrote: Len, This sounds very dangerous. You should immediately bring them all down here and dump them in with the mantis for safekeeping.

That could get interesting. Make sure to film :D
NotiReef;313410 wrote: I have heard of ghost shrimp being acclimated to SW and used as feeders. Maybe the same applies to cherry shrimp???

Unfortunately no. Neocardina are strictly FW.

ares;313415 wrote: Id say your worst threat would be them running off, hiding, and then dieing. long as your fish get to them and can eat em quick enough, seems safe to me.

Good point. If I go ahead with it (and I'm leaning that way), I'll be sure to feed a couple at a time so that I can make sure they're being eaten.

JessPete;313443 wrote: Len, This sounds very dangerous. You should immediately bring them all down here and dump them in with the mantis for safekeeping.

If only you were closer... I need these little buggers out! lol

To further expand on my dumb question... Is there anything nutritionally beneficial or necessary in SW shrimp (i.e. Mysis) that would be missing in FW? Something potentially hazardous? I did dose my shrimp tanks with Iodine.
If I remember correctly fresh water shrimp don't provide the necessary nutrients for our salt water critters. At least I seem to remember reading something to that affect on wetwebmedia. Try searching there.
atreyu917;313493 wrote: hmmm, what benefit to cherry shrimp have for a tank? Might buy some from you. To go with your Killiefish you sold me :) They're doing awesome btw. Sometimes the females may chase my neons or harlequin rasboras, but never injure them!

They feed on algae and other micro fauna with minimal bioload. They do no real "good", but they are cool to watch. I have tons so if you want some just let me know and I'll bring them to you at the next meeting I attend (May probably, I'll be cruising and getting married during the April meet). No need to buy them, you can just keep me in mind when you frag your first coral. ;) I have 2 tanks with them right now and am breaking down the smaller one so some gotta go quickly.

Glad to hear it! I've been meaning to ask you how they are. :)
atreyu917;313508 wrote: Yeah, they're wonderful!

You have a deal! That'd be great if you could bring them to the meeting that would be very nice of you! I don't know how big they get, but I'll take at least 2. Will i have to supplement food at all or will they eat the extra food?

Congrats on getting married too!!!

Thanks! :)

What size tank again? They only get to about an inch. I feed them intentionally in my shrimp only tank, but don't in my others.
We'll have at least one 29 & 55 full setup available once we get the move and tank consolidation done. Let me know when you want to upgrade. ;)
atreyu917;313528 wrote: Shoot my a PM if you'd like, but how much would you let the 29 go for? I would go for the 55, but parents wouldn't be too happy about it. haha

Not sure... we still have to inventory the tanks and equipment that we won't be using. Tank, stand, filter, heater, ~$100 I think.