FW Tank breakdown sale


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Pick up in Duluth. It's time. I'm breaking down my 120 gallon freshwater tank. The baby will be here in 9 days and I really want to have the 72 gallon in place before that happens(long shot I know) Some of these fish I have had for 5+ years, I would love for them to go to hobbyists in the club.

120 g Tank(60.5"x18.5"x26") and stand (will come with glass tops, one hinge starting to split)$200 $150
2x32" t5 retrofitted with LEDs $10 per
Other freshwater lights $5 per
Malaysian drift wood $80 (8 pcs, I paid $200+, fills a 75 gallon well, been sitting in my tanks for 7 years so it wont leech tannins)
All fish $5 each if you buy 3 or more:
4 congo tetras(2 male,2 female)
2-4 kuhli loaches
2 emerald corydoras
Upside down catfish
Bosemani rainbow
3 siamese algae eaters
2 FREE angelfish(I rescued these from a girl on craigslist who was moving, one of them is missing an eye and floats sideways sometimes. Has been living well for 3 years in my tank.)

Tons of Freshwater plants free with any purchase.
Multiple types of fish food,
So many freshwater chemicals I'll take a photo and upload

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I do have an albino bristlenose pleco. Not sure if male or female. It doesnt really have pronounced bristles, It is actually the most recent fish I got about a year ago at 1" long.
It's about 2.5" now. It's a little upset because I just turned the lights back on. I can't guarantee that it will ever have large bristles. I bought it from a fish store in Chattanooga as a baby bristlenose. $5
Man I’d buy the whole set up if I could! This was going to be my next freshwater build
Tank and stand now $150. Going to break everything down and move it to the garage tomorrow.
Tank and stand sold!
Breaking down the tank today.
If anyone wants free plants or the angels please let me know. Plants and angels will probably end up at the LFS if no one wants them.
Sorry All fish and plants sold/given away. Still have all the driftwood available
I have the co2 booster left. The driftwood is $80 which, in my opinion, is a steal. I have it all sitting in the sun. My new phone takes pictures at 64 mp by default so the forum won't accept the large files.