Gambusia / mosquitofish


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Does anyone know if there's a local store or perhaps even a sponsor that can order these?
I don't know about ordering them, but I do know where to catch millions of them in Florida (literally millions!). They should not be difficult to get.
Alas, I'm not in florida. :p

I can order 25 off ebay for $30 (or 50 for $40, but that's too many). I just like supporting stores when possible.
Are you looking for Gambusia Affinis</em>, or any type of Gambusia? You can find Gambusia in nearly any body of freshwater in the US, or around the world, and all of them will eat mosquito larvae. I read that this fish is the most widespread species in the world, and I believe it. We added about 20 to our pond a few years ago, and I am pretty sure we now have about one kazillion. You're welcome to some of ours.

Wow, at 25 for $30 - my kazillion minnows are worth a fortune!
Midas, that would be fantastic. I just need a few dozen; I have a small pond, and I'll probably keep a few in a tank to make sure I don't lose them.

Are you going to the next meeting?
Not certain if I am going to the meeting, but I think I will make it. If so I will bring a few dozen for you.