Garlic prevents Ich?


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Hey guys,

I heard that soaking food in garlic helps prevent Ich in fish. This and keeping the aquarium temp higher (80-82) and salinity higher (1.025-6). Thoughts? Anything you guys do to prevent the spread of ich.
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">Not this subject again&#8230;</span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">I&#8217;m sorry but this has been discussed so many times already. There is a nice article on the wiki, by Brandon, describing anything you want to know (and never dared to ask) about ich. Please read it:
Ich"><span style="color:
seachem sells "garlic goard" its a liquid that you soak their food in. Yes garlic is good for the fish. It will help get rid of ick.
LOL.... Ya I do not want to comment on the subject again. I need an Ich break... It is stressing me out and I am staring to feel like I am getting white spots in my gills.

Raj, if you really want to learn the facts and myths about ich and treatments, please read the article that I wrote that was linked upon earlier. It says more then I care to repeat at this time. If you have questions about what was discussed there, please feel free to ask me. I have ongoing research about Ich and other illnesses going on all the time but I still think the treatments and the methods outlined there are still correct per all my recent findings.

P.S. Garlic is discussed in detail towards the end of the article.