GBTA Split!


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I woke up this morning to find that my Green Bubble Tip Anemone has split over night. He (or now it's they) are at the back of the tank where there is not much light. Should I move them? And is there anything I can do to help them heal and recouperate?
Leave them alone and give them a chance to heal. They'll become mobile and find a spot they like eventually.

And, congrats, New Dad!!! I'd give you a cigar, but I just read your occupation.

Thats Ok..... Never smoked and dont plan to! Once again I really like your quote...reminds me of some women people I know.
cam..for one of them to survive, it is paramount that you split them up and get the other out of tank and into another tank as soon as possible....thats where my tank comes into the
jade76;191941 wrote: cam..for one of them to survive, it is paramount that you split them up and get the other out of tank and into another tank as soon as possible....thats where my tank comes into the

uh huh... now THAT's believable

nice try!
Well they are still attached by a little string. Hopefully they will break it apart soon because they are starting to move.... and yeah...nice try!!!
They are stuck to one of my intakes now and still have not totally separated. Hanging on by a string still.