Gbta vs maxi mini carpet


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My Gbta went on walkabout last night and decide on the base of my maxi mini carpet and it looked like my carpet was trying to sting it.
He was folding and stretching towards the bta in a way iv never seen until today .
The carpet packs a good punch iv felt it and witnessed it kill a few inhabitants .
I'm not going to move it for fear of injury to the foot but if they begin stinging eachother should I just let them decide who gets the rock or attempt to intervene.
Also the bta is sitting with 1/2 its foot on my Ricordia garden so I hope it moves soon without killing them.
pick up the rock and hang the bta upside down over the tank. It will let go. This is what Dylan did with mine when we had to get it off a rock
I think the bta gave up he puffed up and bounced on as soon as the moon lights came on, now he in on the back of my live rock frag rack . I had to watch and move a few things but I think were good.