Getting rid of Aiptasia (sp)

john m_ lundberg

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One of my rocks is becoming bombarded...I bought some peppermint shrimp and they seem to just be chillin, not doing there job...I've heard of Joe's juice, but I read somewhere you have to inject it?

What do you all do? I mean, hypothetically speaking of course, I know that none of you get it!:doh:
Is it only on one rock and is there anything else like coral growing on the rock?
If not just take that bad boy out and boil it
I'm about to unleash kalk fury on some on the LR in the wife's new cube. If it weren't for the tube worms on the rock I'd nuke the whole rock (since the cycle hasn't even gotten started good yet)."></a>

Here it is...
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If possible, move to quarintine, add 3, 4, 5, 6, peppermint. starve the mints and they will figure out they have some homegrown food.

We dropped 3 mints into our infected 29gal and the Aptasia was gone in 2 months. We did controlled feeding (1/week) by target feeding coral, fish and crabs. The mints must have got the hint (or figured they wern't gonna get fed) and sorted the problem out.
Yeah, thats aptasia, come by and I will mix up some "special sauce" in a syringe and show you how to use.
Question....other than the possible spread to epic porportions, are these an issue otherwise? I have a few, they've not seemed to spread. They don't appear to be causing issues with anything else in my DT.
Thanks ares, I'll jump off of that bridge when I come to it. For now, they just add a little life here and there, when they become a SEA of aptasia.....the battle will ensue.
Best to do it now before you want to literally jump off of a bridge getting them out of a 235 after they have spead
ok, I'm convinced....and you are so right Smoothie. The 235 is not a delight to try to manuever around in, especially with all of the rock work and such..... thread for the annihilation phase.
i had a few in my 30 gallon tank once, after reading a couple of articles i cut back on feeding & added macro algae. after a month they went away or died away. either way the article suggested using a skimmer, controlled feeding, and adding macro algae, hermit crabs (red hairy legged), snails and possibly peppermint shrimp would also help control them. they also mentioned a breed of nudibranch that only eats thems and must have a readily supply or they will die.