Getting rid of dusting algae?


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I recently set up and cycled a 20 gallon tank in my office. The cycle is complete, and everything in the tank is doing great. My one problem is that I keep getting this dusting of green algae on the glass, and I can't seem to get rid of it. I thought the skimmer would take care of it, but it hasn't, and then I thought the chaeto in my refugium would take care of it, but it hasn't done the trick either. I've been using RO/DI water, so I don't know where phosphates could be coming from, but I'm at a loss as to getting rid of the stuff. Any suggestions? If I scrape the glass off, the algae is back within hours.

<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">I have a similar problem in my 20g. Do you a lot of natural light or direct sunlight? In my case, I think it&#8217;s related.</span>
Sounds like normal algae.... We ALL got it. that is why we have to wipe down our glass every day or so. Now for it to return within hours is a bit quick. Have you tested your PO4? How are your other chemistry levels? Is there any direct ligt from the sun in the tank? What lighting do you have on it?
I was thinking natural sunlight as well. Other more beneficial organisms will soon establish some competition, but for now, the yucky stuff usually outcompetes the good. Won't be long, though
Thanks Brad!

Like he said, ABSOLUTELY no sunlight ever reaches this tank. I have 110 watts of PC on the tank. I'm running them for 10 hours at a time.

So Jesse, it sounds like I just need to be patient, huh? I just thought it was strange that it was coming back within just a couple of hours of scraping it off.

Thanks everyone,