Ghl controller


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Any one in the Lawrenceville area have experience setting up a GHl Profulix 4?

willing to pay a fair price give you a Frag or two buy some whiskey what ever it takes lol

help needed.
sell the frags, sell the ghl, buy a different controller.

Support is horrible, owner and employees are arrogant, they won't stand behind their design flaws. You can find evidence of this online but you have to dig deep - they like to have things removed from online resources under the guise of "that customer is complaining - so delete it" - seriously, that is in their terms of service. If they think you are complaining - they'll refuse to honor warranties etc.

Below did not happen to me - but I have seen this scenario play out a couple times with them

"this KH Director leaked all over the dosing pumps your instructions told me to sit this on top of"

"no warranty or claim - water damage"

"ummm - the KHd leaked from inside at the pump head - and the tamper proof sticker is in place so this has not been altered"

"you're complaining - ticket closed - account disabled"

Much of their gear has great potential - but their software does not.

Don't try to run 2 temp sensors - the sensor bus will have collissions randomly and do things like text you at 2 am to tell you your tank temp is 129F - their solution? slow down how often things communicate.

My honest opinion would be to return it all if possible - if you're having a tough time with initial setup, it only goes downhill from there with GHL.
I had no idea it was that bad. I've seen a few complaints here and there but it makes sense that most don't see this stuff if it's constantly being pruned and removed.

I've talked to @gainesvillereef a little but we've never had the time to dig into GHL. The 3 of us still need to have a lunch @lmm1967, I'll probably need to record the conversation though lol, most of it would go over my head but I'd love to learn more about this stuff. Carl has said his working with Coralvue now too.
I've got a Doser 2.1 and can say I haven't had any issues with the hardware but agree the software can be a pain. It has issues staying connected and I have to keep reloading if I change screens more then twice. It took forever to get connected to the wifi and was only able to do so after watching a few videos on you tube. I have 2 Jebao Doser 2.4 and never have issues with connection. Hardware is not as good and function is limited but when I want to connect it there. With the GHL its hit or miss.

@SkyHigghReef I think @Billldg was moving from Apex to GHL and was going to do some testing so maybe he can help..
can you actually calibrate now without sitting in front of the controller and using those silly little tactile buttons?
Nope have to click through. But very few steps on each probe. That part I found to be simple.
Calibrate the touch points before you start to use it. Found that to work perfectly
I'm using 2 of the GHL Mini Wifi systems. I couldn't get the Wifi setup to work without connecting directly to the unit through USB, but once I was connected they were both relatively easy to configure.
All in all I’m happy with it looks great in the sump area app now that I’m online is not to hard already set up some alerts and programmed the heater control.
Definitely going to expand with it. Get some level sensors and leak detection.
Went with Ghl for the Kh director and ion director as future upgrades.


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everything in this photo - $50 shipped to you - dm me here if you are interested.

Sorry I missed this. Below is my Conversion thread.

Screenshot (258).png
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Sorry I missed this. Below is my Conversion thread.

View attachment 49705
Could. I shoot you a dm for some questions
Could. I shoot you a dm for some questions

You can PM me anytime, I may not have all the answers, but, I know who does. ;)

Here is a good start to everything GHL.

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