Ghost shrimp and feeder guppies


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I am setting up a breeding tank for ghost shrimp and guppies. No idea yet how big the tank is. But the photo will kind of give an idea. I need to know what to feed these guys as they will be food for my volitan lionfish. I know that guppies are better than comets or rosies and ghost shrimp are better than all of them. Since he absolutely refuses to eat anything frozen I was stuck buying live foods every week. Well it adds up. Lol so I bought a half box of ghost shrimp and a quarter box of guppies. I need to increase their marine fatty amino something... forget the technical terms... how do I do it?

BTW currently there is roughly 20 gallons of water in the sphere tank. It will be filled to about 3 inches from the top. It will have live plants, diy carbon fused filtration unit, and a regular plant growth light. Sand bottom with rocks and driftwood decore.

Any suggestions? I have plenty of frozen food varieties to choose from and I can mix them up and chop to be smaller if needed. Just want to keep the lion healthy and marine feeder shrimp are way to expensive for my taste. The half box of ghosts was 30 even, and the quarter box of guppies was 20. The stock I have now was bred here at home and culled to take out any potential dangers to my lion. So I have roughly 20 to 30 left after the last cull. but I figured it was the best way to rid the stock of any mass breeding illnesses, and transmitable infections. Only the best for Alphonso! !! :lmao:
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Forgot to add this on the op.
I cant offer advice on the tank, but you might want to investigate using sources other than live fish. They end up being an incomplete source of nutrition and can cause problematic intestinal blockages.

See here regarding:
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Just an update on this build.
I added 10 more gallons of water, underwater leds, diy carbon filter, and a few plants.