Give me your weirdest tank stories!


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Give me your horrifying, funny, or otherwise stories of your aquariums over the years.
Mine was my pistol shrimp wielding a dead piece of coral to fend off my territorial and grumpy watchman goby (symbiotic relationship, my eye).
Well 2 days ago i heard a gurgling sound coming from my tank turns out my toms aqualift pump attached to my cpr hob overflow gave out and all the water in my return chamber sucked into my tank and my overflow was trying to refill it could have been a major disaster luckily i was home and i had a pump with a venturi i had gotten on amazon like 6 month ago to replace that toms pump but never hooked it up
My wild story is from just earlier this year. Don’t get me wrong, I live in a nice enough apartment but back in February, a neighbor two doors down accidentally discharged his rifle while messing around with it. My wife and I weren’t home when it happened but it went through his wall, through my neighbors apartment and in through our wall right above my tank spraying drywall, wood, and copper coated lead bits all over the place. I have an open top tank so I had to get an ICP test to make sure none of it made it in there. Luckily, no one was hurt, everything came back clear and that guy no longer lives here.
I had three female blue spot leopard wrasses in my DT. One turned male, and he became a total a$**le. He would splash all over the tank, sending water constantly over the sides, chasing everybody, just miserable. So I caught him and put him in the sump (which is in the basement). All was calm and I went on a three-day trip. Came home, and there he was, in the DT again, swimming around like nothing had happened!!! I examined the pipes, thinking how the heck did he get through the impeller in the return pump and up the 15 feet of 1/2-inch pipe back to the top. Out of the corner of my eye, though... I see he *is* in the sump. I go back to the display tank and... the second female had turned into a full male in less than 4 days and less than a week after the removal of the first male!!! Full color, full behavior, everything. Fish are insane. Good news is that the second male is less of a butthead.
My wild story is from just earlier this year. Don’t get me wrong, I live in a nice enough apartment but back in February, a neighbor two doors down accidentally discharged his rifle while messing around with it. My wife and I weren’t home when it happened but it went through his wall, through my neighbors apartment and in through our wall right above my tank spraying drywall, wood, and copper coated lead bits all over the place. I have an open top tank so I had to get an ICP test to make sure none of it made it in there. Luckily, no one was hurt, everything came back clear and that guy no longer lives here.
😂 😂 😂
I believe I told this story some time ago..

In the mid to late 90's I had a small tank with a Snowflake eel. It was on the bar near the kitched. One day I got home and noticed the eel was missing. Looked around for an hour and no luck. Hour or two later I looked again and found it, he was on the ground between our half wall and the refrigerator. Being dusty there he was covered in dust, and dried up for the most part. When I picked him up he was completely dry, and sorta in a "cocoon" of sorts.... Like dry dusty leather.

I put him back in the tank, not even sure why... Miraculously, after some time he came out of the cocoon, literally shed it like a skin... And was fine thereafter. Was crazy. I'd guess he was out of the tank at least 4-5 hours.... maybe more.
It was a busy Saturday. The store was packed and I'm talking to a lady about koi. I look into one of the freshwater tanks and think "I didn't put an eel in that tank wtf?" Turns out some sort of water snake escaped the reptile department and went hunting and caught a fish. When I pulled the snake out of the tank half the customers fled the fish room while the other half hurried to get closer thinking it was super cool.
It was a busy Saturday. The store was packed and I'm talking to a lady about koi. I look into one of the freshwater tanks and think "I didn't put an eel in that tank wtf?" Turns out some sort of water snake escaped the reptile department and went hunting and caught a fish. When I pulled the snake out of the tank half the customers fled the fish room while the other half hurried to get closer thinking it was super cool.

Like what the literal heck!
This probably isn't even my weirdest story since I worked with aquariums professionally for a decade+. Managed a petland aquatic department, worked for petco corporate, worked at Atlanta aquarium and ran a maintenance and installation business on the side the entire time. So here's another wild story.

This occurred in my reef show tank. My personal one in my home. I had probably 10 tanks that were 55g or larger at that time. One day I'm feeding my reef and I see a little nub poking the tiniest bit out of a hole in a 40 lb piece of lr that had 6 or 7 different types of zoanthids completely covering it. I'd noticed the zoas around this hole were staying closed 24/7 while all the rest were healthy and happy. There had also been something eating my tanks smaller/weaker inhabitants. They'd just be gone in the morning. This starts bothering me so after about 15 minutes of sitting and thinking angrily I grab a flat head screwdriver, my trusty rubber mallet, some gloves and a 5 gallon bucket half full of saltwater.

I take the beautiful zoa rock out of my tank and carry it to the bathroom and use the screwdriver and mallet to split the rock into right down the middle. I ll never forget what I saw after that. At first it appeared the rock was full of what looked like a cross between some devil worm and a centipede. As I pull the rock further apart i realize it's not many worms but one huge one! It'd burrowed a hole to live in all throughout the rock. It had like 5 tentacles on its mouth and black hairs that looked like legs going down each side of its body. As I slowly eased it into the bucket I got it to a point where I could hold the half piece of liverock as high as I could and the worm reached all the way to the floor. I'm 6ft tall. Now i had to get its head out of the rock. What to do? Then I remembered how some marine worms really freaking hate carbonated beverages. I asked my gf if she could please bring my a sprite bc I had my hands full. When she came in carrying a sprite and saw that worm . . . .you ever witnessed someone's brain break temporarily?

She was speechless and watched in fascinated horror as I poured sprite on the worms burrow and it fell into the bucket. I said to myself out loud "I should set up a species tank for this guy. I'll name him big worm like the dude smokey owed money to in friday" then I quietly chuckled at my goofy reference. That's when my gf went off on me. She said I absolutely wasn't keeping that in the house. She was still asking questions about that thing for weeks "what was that?" Probably some sort of eunicid worm"where'd it come from?" probably Fiji, came in on the liverock as a baby and grew up "are there more in there?" I highly doubt it "can it hurt people?" I really don't think so but there isn't a whole lot of info online about it. "Is that as big as they get?" No, some marine biologists believe some species may grow up to 50 feet long but there's not a ton of info on these creatures since they're highly secretive, living in rocks and under the sand in the ocean.

There are a few videos of these living horrors online. I think most people here know what a Bobbit worm is. This looked very very similar but lacked the pincers jaws. I've heard that some of these are among the fastest if not the fastest creatures alive when retracting into their hole.

Disclaimer: lots of this information was learned over a decade ago so if somethings changed or been proven false my bad. I haven't kept up my studies in the last few years. I saw a picture of a fish the other day and thought of its scientific name only to learn that wasn't it's scientific name anymore. It'd been reclassified or possibly had a separate genus made for it.

I'll return to hobby someday. Soon I hope. Working/managing a LFS can be awful just like any job interacting with the public. A grown man with his child with him once physically attacked me bc he thought a fish from South America was from Africa. I gently and politely corrected him but he kept on and i wouldn't give in bc I'm a fish nerd and I knew he was wrong for a 100% fact. How's that for the craziest reason to get in a fight? Also someone let a small copperhead snake loose in the store. I have a ton of weird aquarium stories. Working at a LFS can be rough at times but the hobby is so amazing and rewarding. Hopefully anyone who spent the time to read this wall of text enjoyed it. If not, I'm sorry plz don't punch me.
My craziest story happened a few years ago. I was awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of water spewing so I immediately grab my phone and put the tank into feed mode to turn all the pumps off asap and then manually went and turned off every pump on my apex so it wouldn’t kick back on once feed mode ended. Then I got up and went into the office to see what the heck happened. I started by mopping up as much water as I could with towels and rang them out into a bucket and then scooping out the water that had collected in the sealed bottom part of my stand. Thankfully that had caught the majority of the water and only a gallon or so had gotten on the floor. After scooping I mopped up the inside of the stand with more towels and then dried It along with the floor. All told I had a little over half a bucket of water so maybe 3 gallons between the floor and stand. after the cleanup I began my search for where the water came from and why. I spent a good 45 mins to an hour under my tank looking around. I checked all the drains. Nope they’re intact and dry plus their bulkheads are directly over the sump so there’s no way any water was going anywhere but the sump. Was it the return pump? Nope all the connections are in place and solid. Maybe the skimmer went haywire and shot water everywhere? Nope, the collection cup only has a little skimate in it and all the connections are where they should be. The last possible culprit was my reactors. I had recently taken them offline but left everything in place and was gonna get to it later. The pump and hose were in the sump pointed up and out towards the reactor but not connected to the reactor. I thought surely that had to be it. But nope the wall that the reactors were mounted to was dry. I checked the power cord for that pump as well and it was unplugged so even if the apex glitched and turned that outlet on the pump had no way to get the power. The only other thing I could think is that maybe my tank or sump had sprung a leak. But no both the tank and sump looked to be still sealed and there were no tell tale signs of water escaping besides the bucket sitting next to me. What the heck had happened?!?!?! I was confused and tired so I gave up for the night.

I threw paper towels next to the sump everywhere I could to draw out any moisture that crept under it, made sure the tank had circulation but left everything else off and then went back to bed. I repeated my search for the cause of the incident when I woke in the morning hoping I had missed something in my tired state the night before but I came up empty handed. So I replaced the wet paper towels with dry ones and went to work. When I got home i replaced the paper towels again and made some new saltwater to replace what I’d lost and then began turning the systems back on. One by one I would turn a pump on wait and watch everything for a few minutes, add water as needed and check the apex to make sure it looked okay. Once I was sure that it was not faulty I moved on to the next one. Eventually I had the tank back up and fully running as it was 24 hours before. A little later I realized I forgot to check the ato since it lives in a closet next to the tank. so i went in and checked it. But again no luck. The reservoir was still about 2/3 full and it had been a few days since I filled it so that’s where it should naturally be. And beyond that I have the ato programmed to only run during the day so the noise from the pump doesn’t wake anyone up and it only runs a few minutes at a time so it wouldn’t have dumpped that much water anyway. To this day I have no idea how that water ended up outside the tank. My best guess is it was the reactor pump and maybe as I was cleaning up the water behind the tank I had accidentally unplugged it somehow. But I don’t think that was it cause I was 80% sure I had unplugged it when I took the reactors offline. It still bugs me that I couldn’t figure it out. I wish I had some sort of wisdom to impart from this incident but since I never solvemed it I have nothing lol.
This probably isn't even my weirdest story since I worked with aquariums professionally for a decade+. Managed a petland aquatic department, worked for petco corporate, worked at Atlanta aquarium and ran a maintenance and installation business on the side the entire time. So here's another wild story.

This occurred in my reef show tank. My personal one in my home. I had probably 10 tanks that were 55g or larger at that time. One day I'm feeding my reef and I see a little nub poking the tiniest bit out of a hole in a 40 lb piece of lr that had 6 or 7 different types of zoanthids completely covering it. I'd noticed the zoas around this hole were staying closed 24/7 while all the rest were healthy and happy. There had also been something eating my tanks smaller/weaker inhabitants. They'd just be gone in the morning. This starts bothering me so after about 15 minutes of sitting and thinking angrily I grab a flat head screwdriver, my trusty rubber mallet, some gloves and a 5 gallon bucket half full of saltwater.

I take the beautiful zoa rock out of my tank and carry it to the bathroom and use the screwdriver and mallet to split the rock into right down the middle. I ll never forget what I saw after that. At first it appeared the rock was full of what looked like a cross between some devil worm and a centipede. As I pull the rock further apart i realize it's not many worms but one huge one! It'd burrowed a hole to live in all throughout the rock. It had like 5 tentacles on its mouth and black hairs that looked like legs going down each side of its body. As I slowly eased it into the bucket I got it to a point where I could hold the half piece of liverock as high as I could and the worm reached all the way to the floor. I'm 6ft tall. Now i had to get its head out of the rock. What to do? Then I remembered how some marine worms really freaking hate carbonated beverages. I asked my gf if she could please bring my a sprite bc I had my hands full. When she came in carrying a sprite and saw that worm . . . .you ever witnessed someone's brain break temporarily?

She was speechless and watched in fascinated horror as I poured sprite on the worms burrow and it fell into the bucket. I said to myself out loud "I should set up a species tank for this guy. I'll name him big worm like the dude smokey owed money to in friday" then I quietly chuckled at my goofy reference. That's when my gf went off on me. She said I absolutely wasn't keeping that in the house. She was still asking questions about that thing for weeks "what was that?" Probably some sort of eunicid worm"where'd it come from?" probably Fiji, came in on the liverock as a baby and grew up "are there more in there?" I highly doubt it "can it hurt people?" I really don't think so but there isn't a whole lot of info online about it. "Is that as big as they get?" No, some marine biologists believe some species may grow up to 50 feet long but there's not a ton of info on these creatures since they're highly secretive, living in rocks and under the sand in the ocean.

There are a few videos of these living horrors online. I think most people here know what a Bobbit worm is. This looked very very similar but lacked the pincers jaws. I've heard that some of these are among the fastest if not the fastest creatures alive when retracting into their hole.

Disclaimer: lots of this information was learned over a decade ago so if somethings changed or been proven false my bad. I haven't kept up my studies in the last few years. I saw a picture of a fish the other day and thought of its scientific name only to learn that wasn't it's scientific name anymore. It'd been reclassified or possibly had a separate genus made for it.

I'll return to hobby someday. Soon I hope. Working/managing a LFS can be awful just like any job interacting with the public. A grown man with his child with him once physically attacked me bc he thought a fish from South America was from Africa. I gently and politely corrected him but he kept on and i wouldn't give in bc I'm a fish nerd and I knew he was wrong for a 100% fact. How's that for the craziest reason to get in a fight? Also someone let a small copperhead snake loose in the store. I have a ton of weird aquarium stories. Working at a LFS can be rough at times but the hobby is so amazing and rewarding. Hopefully anyone who spent the time to read this wall of text enjoyed it. If not, I'm sorry plz don't punch me.
This is utterly fascinating. I'd love more of these "weird aquarium stories" if you have em', espiecially the copperhead thing, thats insane.
My craziest story happened a few years ago. I was awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of water spewing so I immediately grab my phone and put the tank into feed mode to turn all the pumps off asap and then manually went and turned off every pump on my apex so it wouldn’t kick back on once feed mode ended. Then I got up and went into the office to see what the heck happened. I started by mopping up as much water as I could with towels and rang them out into a bucket and then scooping out the water that had collected in the sealed bottom part of my stand. Thankfully that had caught the majority of the water and only a gallon or so had gotten on the floor. After scooping I mopped up the inside of the stand with more towels and then dried It along with the floor. All told I had a little over half a bucket of water so maybe 3 gallons between the floor and stand. after the cleanup I began my search for where the water came from and why. I spent a good 45 mins to an hour under my tank looking around. I checked all the drains. Nope they’re intact and dry plus their bulkheads are directly over the sump so there’s no way any water was going anywhere but the sump. Was it the return pump? Nope all the connections are in place and solid. Maybe the skimmer went haywire and shot water everywhere? Nope, the collection cup only has a little skimate in it and all the connections are where they should be. The last possible culprit was my reactors. I had recently taken them offline but left everything in place and was gonna get to it later. The pump and hose were in the sump pointed up and out towards the reactor but not connected to the reactor. I thought surely that had to be it. But nope the wall that the reactors were mounted to was dry. I checked the power cord for that pump as well and it was unplugged so even if the apex glitched and turned that outlet on the pump had no way to get the power. The only other thing I could think is that maybe my tank or sump had sprung a leak. But no both the tank and sump looked to be still sealed and there were no tell tale signs of water escaping besides the bucket sitting next to me. What the heck had happened?!?!?! I was confused and tired so I gave up for the night.

I threw paper towels next to the sump everywhere I could to draw out any moisture that crept under it, made sure the tank had circulation but left everything else off and then went back to bed. I repeated my search for the cause of the incident when I woke in the morning hoping I had missed something in my tired state the night before but I came up empty handed. So I replaced the wet paper towels with dry ones and went to work. When I got home i replaced the paper towels again and made some new saltwater to replace what I’d lost and then began turning the systems back on. One by one I would turn a pump on wait and watch everything for a few minutes, add water as needed and check the apex to make sure it looked okay. Once I was sure that it was not faulty I moved on to the next one. Eventually I had the tank back up and fully running as it was 24 hours before. A little later I realized I forgot to check the ato since it lives in a closet next to the tank. so i went in and checked it. But again no luck. The reservoir was still about 2/3 full and it had been a few days since I filled it so that’s where it should naturally be. And beyond that I have the ato programmed to only run during the day so the noise from the pump doesn’t wake anyone up and it only runs a few minutes at a time so it wouldn’t have dumpped that much water anyway. To this day I have no idea how that water ended up outside the tank. My best guess is it was the reactor pump and maybe as I was cleaning up the water behind the tank I had accidentally unplugged it somehow. But I don’t think that was it cause I was 80% sure I had unplugged it when I took the reactors offline. It still bugs me that I couldn’t figure it out. I wish I had some sort of wisdom to impart from this incident but since I never solvemed it I have nothing lol.
Stinkin' aquarium gremlins.....