Glass or No Glass over SE MH bulbs?


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Pardon me for being an idiot, but I've officailly owned every type of reef lighting there is , with the exception of the solaris system (which still tickles me in the nether regions everytime I think about it) in the last 5 months and have a question about my 5th (and hopfully final) fixture.

It's a SE fixture...

Do they require glass covering to sheild from radiation?

no because th bulb has the uv glass on it hqi on the other hand yes but for you the answer is no you dont have to waste more money on your lights until you break this one:lol2:
I figure over the past two years that I have spent about 600 bucks on cheap fixtures that lasted no time........ I could have had a nice one for bthat price and none of the headache!
Subliminal meassage to Da<span style="font-family: Arial;">kota................</span>
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<span style="font-family: Arial;"> me...led..led...led</span>
I could buy the Solaris if I wanted to.

It would illuminate the cardboard I'd have to call home very well, as I'd get "kicked to the curb" if I spent that much money........
Dakota9;83275 wrote: I could buy the Solaris if I wanted to.

It would illuminate the cardboard I'd have to call home very well, as I'd get "kicked to the curb" if I spent that much money........

Your wife must be good friends with my wife...maybe we could share a cardboard condo :)
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Two grown men, sharing a condo, with F A B U L O U S lighting?

People would talk!

LOL, how useless would a light that can simulate the sunrise be when we are leaving on a park bench and would see the real thing every day.....

I'm saving my change in THE BIG CHANGE JAR......... I'll have my Solaris by 2010!
Im not saying nada...wife is letting me put a new tank in the bedroom...I think youll have me beat by 2 years :)