I'm getting close to bringing my 120 gallon tank inside... You can see my build thread here, http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=106109">Zach's 120 Gallon Reef Resurgence</a>... I've put so much work into it so far and I just don't know if I'm going to be able to live with the scratched glass. It looks like the previous owner of the tank used some abrasive material to remove calcium deposits from the glass. It's hard to see in pics but very apparent when the tank is dry. It's not TOO bad when the tank is full of water but I'm really getting cold feet about final set up.
Point being: Has anyone successfully polished glass using cerium oxide or another similar product? What about glass repair services? I've contacted Encore Glass Repair for a quote and to chat with them about it.
Point being: Has anyone successfully polished glass using cerium oxide or another similar product? What about glass repair services? I've contacted Encore Glass Repair for a quote and to chat with them about it.