Goby Behavior - Is This Normal


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I've had a twin-spot goby for about a month now and for the first couple of weeks he would roam the tank sifting sand and picking pods off the glass and rocks. He's never been friendly, he would hide when I would feed etc. Now for the past week or more he's stayed out of sight. I was afraid he was dead but I finally found him last night with a flashlight living in the back of the tank behind all my LR. Looked good and fat and perfectly healthy, just not active at all. Tank is full of pods and I also give him supplemental food so I'm not worried about that.

Has he just become anti-social or should I get the carbon ready?
What else do you have in the tank that might be harassing this fish? I have one in my 70G and it is not anti-social at all, and is pretty agressive when i feed the tank. It's tankmates are all very docile too.
2 tiny Picasso Clowns and that's it. Really disappointed because the twin-spot is such a nice goby:sad: I wonder if he's just gotten lazy since meals are so easy in my tank. Maybe I'll stop providing him supplemental food and make him work for his meals.

The Picassos never leave their nem unless I'm feeding and I've never seen them any deeper than about 3" from the water surface so I don't think they're bothering the goby.
hmm... well if he looks fat and healthy I would not worry too much. Obviously he is not being harassed.
Yep, he appears heathly but just not active (which is what worries me). Nice slow breathing, full belly, good color, and no visual signs of problems. He was really active when I got him....but likely starved at the LFS. They were feeding his tank but he was in with voracious eaters and likely didn't get very much or was afraid to eat.

Great....another invisable $25....LOL. Maybe I'll throw another one in to tick him off:thumbs:
Supposedly, they do better in pairs. But I have not paired mine up yet. if you want to sell yours let me know! maybe we can hook them up.
DO you give your goby supplemental food or just pods? Mine seems to really like bloodworms and nano-pellets.

On another note, the goby just made a fool of me. Came home to him sunbathing atop my 8" monster elephant ear shroom. He keeps that up, and he'll be a goner for sure because I've seen that shroom try to envelope my shrimp before. He's still a little lethargic but swimming about a little. Not as full bellied as I thought, but certainly not malnutritioned.
Mine eats PE mysis, pellets and what ever else makes it to the bottom! Hope yours continue to do well.