Goby Pics Please...


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Alright guys here's your chance to post up pics of your favorite Gobys! Basically I'm just post whoring for some pics so I can decide which one I'll be putting in my Nano once it's up and running!
This is my favorite Goby. Lots of attitude and he keeps my sandbed looking pretty tidy.

I agree with cameron. I am partial to diamond gobies. Need to make sure you have a hood though as they are jumpers.
Hector's Goby - They max out at 3 inches and are closely related to the Rainfordi Goby. They sift sand and eat hair algae and are a lot more colorful than this pic.
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Not so exotic...but our yellow clown gobi has lots of character. He's quite fun to watch. And he was only $8 so a good starter fish.
I agree with the diamond. They are great sand sifters. My only caveat is that they don't last long with crushed coral, go with sand. Ours would sift the coral, but we think it died from a blockage from swallowing a piece too large to pass.

On the other hand, we also like our Fusi goby. He is fun, lot's of character, but he doesn't sift very well. It is also kinda neat that you can see THROUGH him.
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The diamond goby eats the critters from inside the sand mostly, but they also are opportunity feeders and will eat pods if they find one. They munch on mysis and brine when available. Mine LOVES Prime Reef flake food and sifts it mid water.
Here are mine. The Wheeler's is paired w/ a pistol shrimp.
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Yellow watchman (posted above) is my favorite. He stands guard over his hole he made and is very amusing to watch. Colorful and entertaining.
Futureintrest- I saw a Hecotrs Goby last night right next to a rainfords, you are correct, they are alot better looking. I do believe I will definately be getting one of these guys.
Would it be OK to have a hectors witha Watchman since they are actually not the same type goby?
It's a matter of personal opinion. I think both the hector and rainfordi are beautiful fish. I like the hector better because its colors tend to pop more, but the rainfordi looks more refined :). The hector from my understanding will get along just fine with other gobys and all other fish... although it does get territorial with other hector and rainfordi.

A super old pic of my diamond goby....he's awesome. Does a great job keeping the sand clean.
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gold headed goby-just a baby!
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