Goby Pistol Shrimp question

Sand is good. I would throw in a bunch of tiny pieces of rubble for building materials though.
Ok good idea! I can take a hammer and crush up some rock and scatter it around. I'm assuming they can take it from there :)
I have a pair and they love the sand bed! They buried themselves under a piece of rock in the front of the tank. . Be careful not to place corals or frags near them or they will pull them in their burrows.
Do they tend to make just one burrow? or do they move around to different spots?
Mine tend to stay in one place but I know some like to create burrows around the tank. There might be some ways to control where they are burrowed but once they create a home they tend to stick together. I have seen people burry PVC pipe in the sanded that isn't necessary in my opinion