Good meeting!


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Thanks to SeaVentures for hosting our meeting. We had fewer people than normal, but I think most people were able to get around and talk to everyone else. Todd and myself showed off a diving video of Grey's Reef and some of our diving pictures, and Mark @ SeaVentures showed off the company bus and did a talk about what it takes to get started diving.

Between the attendance numbers, me bringing a lot of raffle items, and SeaVentures donating a bunch of items, almost everyone walked home with something.

About 10 of us went to TJ's afterwards for drinks and dinner, and chatted about everything from frags to blown car engines!

Thanks to everyone that came!
LOL. I had a great time! It's always fun meeting new people and trading frags. Can't wait for the next meeting.

Thanks everyone!
It was my first of many meetings... everyone seemed really friendly.

Oh, between the car talk I was able to interject a bit about boats... or actually about my boat that is for sale... if anyone is interested, check it out at:"></a>

Thanks everyone...
Nice to meet ya. Hope to see you at more meetings. Take care of those frags!
always a good time hanging out with good company... even if youre drugged up on pain medication and cant seem to stop bouncing your knee.
I just took one or two... not many. Guess we need GWEN or Kayla to be there