good news !!!!


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i know i start a bunch of new threads and you guys are more then likely getting tired of it but any ways my tank is done with the cycle but the ph is low so now i have to get that back up to where it needs to be and then the fun stuff comes lol

Just make sure the *fun stuff* is as slow-moving as the cycling was.

Pick <u>a</u> fish...
oh trust me im going to take my time with this. i just cant wait to get my first fish maybe a clown or fire fish what would you do first?
clown. Firefish do best in pairs, and will jump out if you do not have a solid cover, but firefish are awesome, but I would not keep one alone (unless you are ting oneof the more exotic firefish breeds)
ok so i was just over at my buddys and this is the first time i have been over in about 6 months but he has a eel with a clown? is that ok i mean he said he has had it for abour 4 months and he dont mess with emo(the clown) what do you think?
Eels are known to eat whatever they can get :) prob. a snowflake, they are know to be passive , but have a tendancy to just start tearing things up.. Most all Morays are the same way, but then again I have seen SF's that are great reef creatures, but they would outgrow a 45 eventually
As long as the top was secure and make sure they can't go carpet surfing.. I think thew next fish I but will be a pair of purple FF.
I had a roommate in college add a snowflake eel to my tank while I was gone one weekend and it picked at every fish in my tank except for my female Clarki, who picked at him. He ate a ton and that means you are going to have higher nitrates, unless you keep up with your water changes. I would stick with the list that you came up with earlier.
Just my 2 cents.
I don't see why your first fish couldn't be a pair. Just don't add a bunch of fish at once.

My first fish (33 - gallon) were two yellow-tail damsels. I still have them a year later and they're model citizens in my tank, even after being moved twice, from a 33 to a 55 and then from the 55 to a 90, but others have had experience with them turning mean.

I would think a pair of clowns (small) or a pair of firefish (small) would be fine.

Fish to avoid until tank is more established would be:
filter feaders (sand-sifting gobies/mandarins/etc)
six line wrasse (they like to eat pests of which you probably don't have any yet)
pygmy/dwarf angels (they like to graze on LR and you probably don't have much algae growth yet)