good schooling fish for 90 gal


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hey guys i want to have a small school of fish in my 90 i now chromis are cool but was wondering if there were any others that are not aggressive and dont grow to big i want at leaste 4-5 keep in mind that i will also have a mated clown pair with nem. my wife wants a blue hippo tang my six line ymg and maybe about two more small fish yes i know its a pretty big bio load but thats why i just finished paying nere 300 bucks for a kick *** skimmer and the blue hippo is gonna be small -medium once he gets to big will trade him in .its for my wife she loves the fish .and oh yeah probably gonna do a bicolor angel .thanks to all for input
I have 7 green chromis in my 90 and they are not aggressive and school all the time. Even Cameron saw them and went and got him several...So that means they are good fish...
yeah i know thats what i was thinking of doing but today i saw 5 purple queen anthias and they were beautiful but they grow up to 6 inches so thats to big to have a school of
Any Anthias would be cool. They don't all get big. The Purple Queens I have seen seem to be touch and go. Not good shippers and$$$ I tried one because I couldn't resist the beauty! Didn't make it though ....gone in about 3 days. Stress I guess. I have seen the LFS loose them as well. Too delicate I guess."></a>
Nice fish peacefull and you could order with [IMG]">him</a><----- click on it
<u><span style="color: #22229c;">[IMG]"></a></span></u>[IMG]"></a>
another chromis
they should be compatible i read in a freashwater mag. that barbs will school and you could have different kinds of barbs but they have to be barbs and not i think that it should work but that is just an opinion
well it looks like a school of chromis it is i was trying to see if i can do something different but everything else is to expensive so to the 4 dollar chromis it is imma get about 5 or 6 in a few weeks
I recommend the chromis (any color). They school really well and are not aggressive. I have noticed that they seem to only have about a 70% survival rate so I would buy 8 or 10 to make sure 5 or 6 make it for the duration.
Have you seen the schooling fish in the HUGE tank at Imagine Ocean? I can't remember what they are (brackish water fish that were acclimated to SW). Fascinating to watch them move in the tank ... like synchronized swimmers.
I have 3 dart fish gobies... they school well.... also I have 5 chromis and they school well...
in my old tank i had 5 bartlett anthias and they were great together and always moving....
<span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';">Not sure about tank mates but I have 4 fire fish that school and look great too. I love the way they face the current and in my tank that’s ever changing. Just an idea they do not like aggressive tank mates. </span>
I had 25 green chromis and they looked really really cool! I know have 4 left! All the other fish are fine, seems like the chromis have a lower survival rate like reaper suggests, except my numbers are far worse!
Yeah, I have 9 Pajama cardinals also. They're cool. They mainly just "float" there and hang out....very little swimming.