gorgonian troubles?


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Lately my rusty gorgonian (i think thats what it is) has started to have die off in some places....I was wondering what some common gorgonian stressors are and what I should look for.....Ive checked all my parameters and everything there is stable....

The only thing I can think of is maybe a lack of food because i havent been feeding the tank he is in since there are no fish in it.....but even then about once per week ive been dosing some phyto so I would think that would be enough for him......and he has been opening his polyps almost fully but not all the way.....lastly, about 4 days ago he started shedding like soft corals do which I read was normal.....but he has been dying off since before that.....

any ideas?

First off, what type of gorgonian? You said rusty, but what is that? Post a pic if you can. Certain species are notoriously poor in the aquarium because of their needs for constant food, laminar flow, and other requirements. If it is a non-photosynthetic gorg, and you have been adding a lot of food to the water column, that very well be necrosis from lack of food.
Ok, I am not exactly sure what it is...im pretty sure it is rusty and I have had for 4 mos.

the one I have in my reef tank downstairs is doing great and it is the same kind.....it is a photosynthetic gorgonian from what I was told at the store and it is getting a lot of flow (two aquaclear 50 <270 gph> pointing at it with hydor flo deflectors and then a penguin bio wheel going across the top of the water). This is the same set up it had for all four months and just lately its has been unhealthy.

Its the guy tio the right in the pic.....he was healthy then but not open for the pic
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Any change in condition? From what I've read, the dead/dying portions need to be cut off so that it doesn't spread. Of course I have no practical experience with gorgonians.
no no change and parameters still look good but obviosuly he isnt liking something......he is deteriorating fast though.....kind of stinks.
looks like a "corky sea finger". I hate common names, but dont know the latin off the top of my head. usually pretty hardy. I would suggest cutting off all the necrotic areas, so that only healthy is there. These heal very quickly.
Thanks panda......Ill go ahead and do that.....do you know about how far I should cut down on the dead stick part? Should I cut throuh any healthy tisuue at all?

Also, is there any idea as to what might cause this? cuz even if I cut away the dead tisuue, if whatever is causing it is still in the water then it will continue to die....
Jgoal55;100146 wrote: Thanks panda......Ill go ahead and do that.....do you know about how far I should cut down on the dead stick part? Should I cut throuh any healthy tisuue at all?

Also, is there any idea as to what might cause this? cuz even if I cut away the dead tisuue, if whatever is causing it is still in the water then it will continue to die....

Just get a pair of sharp scissors, and cut through healthy tissue to remove ALL necrotic tissue. The healthy tissue will heal and regrow, if it is not already impaired.