Got some questions


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Ok I have a few questions that I need answered... I'll start with the easiest first of course.

Ok well, I just set up another trash can... 32g brute from lowes... and I am going to use that for my salt water mixing and I have another 42g, I think, for freshwater. What is the best way to keep the water moving in the salt mix? Currently I have a K1 and another small powerhead but I don't thank that'll be enough.

Second, how can I keep the water topped off in the saltwater mixing containter? Like what would be the best way to refill it to keep the water high? i am sure I would have to add salt to keep the salt content where I need it... I have a refractometer now so I don't think I'll have a problem getting an accurate count for specific gravity.

thirdly, I need something to keep water topped off in my sump... currently I am replacing water daily to keep it from getting to low... so if I go out of town, I'll have to realy on someone to come everyday to make sure its full... I would like to cut down that to make it longer between topping off water in the tank but I am VERY restricted on what goes under the tank. As in I have NO room under it, since the tank is in my room, I do not mind there being anything out side from under the tank. so have any suggestions?

I'm sure I'll have more questions when I think of them, so thanks for helping me with these.
Any ATO will do,
Einstein has the Tunze system in stock - pricey but worth every penny, just for the peace of mind.
LilRobb;335030 wrote: Any ATO will do,
Einstein has the Tunze system in stock - pricey but worth every penny, just for the peace of mind.

+1. Ask me about DIY ATOs and the cheap float switches that go with them.
No floods, but when the back of your hand touches the light with a hand it the tank, and you feel this tingle... All my livestock is fine but I don't like 110v in the tank.
Mmk, I'll lookup the tunze for the tank what about a container? what would be the best for the saltwater holding can? and to keep the salt mixed well?
I use a cheap PH in the Brute (approx 225gph). It does a good job. As for topoff water storage, you can really use anything that has a lid and that you can stand the look of. Salt bucket, new small trash can... as long as it's clean and has a lid that you can put a couple of holes in, you're in business.

Not saying you have to buy a high-$$$ topoff, but beware of the cheapest components. If it fails, the BEST thing that will happen is your water level will drop."></a>[predid]=-infoxunter036

Ok, is this the Tunze you had mentioned, Rob?

This is really my main concern, the others are just some quick solution questions.
Ok, that was wierd, I posted that exact link to the Tunze but i guess it doesn't like that. lol but yea, ok, it is VERY pricey lol... but i guess you get what you pay for right?
From what I read, it comes with everything right out of the box for immediate set up and running? how good is the pump it comes with?

I can leave my house now for a LOOOONG time and don't have a bad feeling, which I would have with some failure prone mechanical devices...
yea, especially if I plan on going on vacation i need to be avle to rely on a good ATO to keep my fishies happy, and have my neighbor or one of you guys that lives real close to feed everyother day or even every 3 days, though I'm sure they could go longer between feedings...

Ah, the burden of having a tank lol
I think fish will be fine 3-4 days in between feedings. I have gone out of town for a long weekends with no problems. I do over feed a little 3-4 days prior to leaving.