Grape Bubble Ate My Cleaner Shrimp!


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OK sports fans, I have only heard of this happening a couple of times. Early in the morning and I wasn't thinking about taking a pic but this is what I found: I first noticed my cleaner shrimps antenna hanging from one of my MP40s. I thought Hmm, shrimp molted again. I started looking around in his favorite spots for him. Couldn't find him. As I was looking, I saw something strange on my grape bubble. It was the top half of the shrimps shell buried on one side of the coral. Upon closer examination, I saw the second half buried in the bubble across from the first! I had to use a pair of 12 inch forceps to pull the shell away. Beware of your bubble corals! Maybe I'd better star feeding it before it's appetite grows bigger.  I know they pack a wicked sting with their sweeper tentacles.