Gray Scum in Tank?


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Hey all,

I had a TON of live rock in my 120 gallon and I removed some. I now have several places of open sand in my tank and in certain places it is covered in this gray sediment...Kinda looks like detritus to me...Will just adding some power heads to my tank get this stuff stirred up and skimmed out?

Sounds like detritus to me too. I've been noticing a lot more lately myself in my tank. I added another powerhead yesterday when I was doing my water change. It sure kicked up a lot of stuff after I did that.
Yeah, detritus. I would try to suck it out during next water change and then see if it continues to settle there. If so, change flow pattern to keep it moving.
Another case where a Magnum Canister Filter would come in handy.

When will you guys learn.......... It takes a Magnum to have a fish tank
+1 to that, Dakota! I love my little magnum 350--it's all the filtration I run on the 135! lol
Don't ya love the micron filter for cleaning detrius? Nothing cleans a tank like a magnum.

The cleanest tank I ever ran was a 30 long, with two magnums. One ran the media chamber, the other ran the micron filter continuosly..... Sparkly shining water. Then I "upgraded" to a sump, and things were never the same....

Sorry for the temporary hijack
haha-my 135 is pretty clear as it just poisioned xenia..hmmm....and sorry for the HJ as well!