Great Clam Prices


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Live Aquaria is trying to take my money...

I would put my pudding wrestling skills up against anyone!!!

I would not be picky, as long as I get the ultra grade! ;)
how about we split the cost proportionately to the quality of clam? say 50-30-20? or something to that effect. I would be interested for sure.
I may be in if we get another group going. If not, can I piggy back on this order to purchase a frag or two?
Id be interested depending on the price, also might be interested in adding to the order.
Well im in for sure i dont have time to discuss it tonight but if yall get something going know that im in for one.
Those clams are small and will need to be spot feed a first but if you make an order I need some fish and coral, shipping is same price up to 200 and will split shipping cost with you guys.
There seems to be different opinions on clam rearing... From what I've read recently spot feeding doesn't seem to be quite as in vogue anymore, with some evidence that it is actually deleterious.

Anyways, if you boys are ordering clams I'd like to order a frag and will pay my part of the shipping :).
FutureInterest;40644 wrote: There seems to be different opinions on clam rearing... From what I've read recently spot feeding doesn't seem to be quite as in vogue anymore, with some evidence that it is actually deleterious.

Anyways, if you boys are ordering clams I'd like to order a frag and will pay my part of the shipping :).

<span style="color: black;">I agree. Lately, I've been reading that the spot feeding is not necessary for small clams at all. Under the right light they are capable of surviving off of light alone.</span>
That great always worried about buying clams that size. Good to know they dont need so much attention.
not to burst any bubbles, but clams that small have a horrendous mortalitiy rate, even under ideal conditions. Personally, I would not buy clams under about 2.5 inches, but that is just my opnion. Good luck.
Panda does make a good point, but you do get a nice 2 week guarantee on the clam.

You shouldn't have to spot feed any clam as it pretty much doesn't work and overdosing is more likley. Clams have "gills" that can become clogged and then they will "sneeze". To my knowledge Crocea and Deresa require no feeding and are light only. Maximas require small amounts of phyto and don't need as much light as the other two.

I am not in on the liveaquaria order, but if we get a clam group buy from clamsdirect when he comes back I would get in on that.