Green Algae bloom on Sand


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I have a 5 year old reef tank and just started getting bright green algae on the sand and some on the rocks. Looks like a thin moss. When I try to remove it grows back in 24-48 hours. This is not hair algae, red algae or slime algae. It looks like the brown diatoms when I first started the tank but this is bright green. I have a reef tank so I cannot turn the lights off for 3 days and I am reluctant to use any strong chemicals. I have seen 20 diff solutions online and don't know what to do.
Thanks for your help,
Do you know what your parameters are? Could be a number of things causing it...low phosphate would be where I start..i.e low phosphate may be spiking nitrates. Your bacteria should be fine in a tank that old. Best dose I've found to help is dr tims eco balance at half dose..some use microbacter 7. Before any of that, an urchin (I have pincushion), SCARLET hermits, trochus snails will mow through it. Again, not enough info..but a parameter check will help us. Dumb question but have you vacuumed sand? Do you have anything that cleans sand like fighting conchs?
You should have no problem turning off the lights for a few days, your corals can handle it just fine. It's not a cloudless sunny day every day out on the reef.
Could be dinos or something far less nefarious. Run some test and post the results along with a few pics and we can better assist.

There are tons and tons of online information but it can be overwhelming. That's what I like most about ARC. I always feel like I can post my issue even if it's been posted a zillion times on other forums. I like having folks I know take a look at my exact situation and offer recommendations. Post a bit more information and we'd be happy to help.
Thanks everybody!
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