Green bubble tip nem' question


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I just bought a GBTA and I want to know what to feed him? All thoughts are greatly appreciated! Thanks in Advance!
Camg,I've got two and one oa them I feed all the time and the other one I don't feed at all.The one that does eat,I feed it mysis shrimp every couple of days and it will eat pellet food sometimes if I pour it over it in the tank and it falls into it.Some people feed theirs silver side fish also.
lots of light and everyonce in awhile a piece of shrimp or a chunk of thawed mysis. It filter feeds so you dont actually have to feed them, but it doesnt hurt, i rarely feed mine.
This is my 1K post!:yay:

My GBTA gets a piece of krill once a week. The clown makes sure it gets plenty of Ocean Prime Flakes and pellets when I feed the fish.
I also have a 175w 14K MH for its lighting needs in my 30.
I'm with jefft, I feed mine krill about once a week. Mine has split twice in a year. I fead each of them a piece of freeze dried krill about once a week, that plus the vho's they seem to be happy.