Green Hair Algea - Clean


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Need help! Just like a lot of us on the site.

So i have a problem that got out of hand fast! I am having a problem with green hair algea. I have mangroves in my tank and at first I thought it was just roots growing from the mangroves, and then realized it was the green hair algea. It has now spread to the rock.

I have a feeling to get rid of the algea I am going to have to take everything apart and scrub it all off... Am I right? if not are there other options?

Also does anyone know of anyone who does aquarium maintance that could come over and help me fix this problem?

Thanks for any helpful tips.
krisco9;46208 wrote: Need help! Just like a lot of us on the site.

Ain't that the truth!!!

The most common cause of hair algae is over feeding. Other factors can include poor maintenance, really old tanks (6-8years or older), overstocking, bad water, etc.

First thing I would do is try to determin what is causing the recent outbreak... test your water to see if anything is out of whack and go from there.
Usually an easy attack would be to skim wet, run some phos-ban (or other phosphate removing media), run carbon and frequent waterchanges (every week for a few weeks or so, then once every two weeks).
I had the same problem a few months ago and went to Petland in Alpharetta and bought 4 Mexican Turbo snails and a three Emerald Crabs from another lfs and in less than a month I have to put algae tablets in to feed the snails, crabs and little Sally Lightfoot. Good luck Jeff
When my tank was cycling I had a HA outbreak. I used a seahare to eat it all up. But I had to give him away afterwards so he wouldn't starve. Good luck
Sea hares, Mexican Turbos and Blue legged hermit crabs are all good natural ways of getting rid of Hair Algae.

Tony is correct that the route cause is high Nitrates from either over feeding or over stocking.

Get some critters and do quality water changes. The problem should go away.
Simon.Kruger;46674 wrote:
Tony is correct that the route cause is high Nitrates from either over feeding or over stocking.

Or Bad source water. I think every reefer should own a RO/DI. They are so reasonably cheap nowadays.

Personally, I think the problem should not be attcak by adding livestock, but instead by water quality diligence. Crank your skimmer, do water changes (with RODI water!), run carbon, feed lightly, and be diligent, and the problem should resolve itself.
Thanks for all of the suggestions. I have done a couple water changes and tried to take off as much of the algea as I could by myself.

Right now I am using tap water... (see below, not for much longer though). I have been using Cycle and Prime to help remove the chlorine, cholromines, nitrates, and phospates. Is there anything else I should use to get the tap water ready, until I get my own RO system.

I am actually looking at an RO system on the internet right now. Is there anything I should specifically be looking for in a system?

Thanks again for all of your help!!
My hair algae problem was the worse I'd ever see, crabs and snails helped, but once the algae reaches 3 inches long, theres only so much that critters can do. I took my LR out and scrubbed it by hand, as my tank is small enough for that type of maintainance and the algae only grew on the rocks not yet covered by coraline. I attribute my outbreak to a poor municple water supply. I still don't have a RO/DI unit ( people are saying they are cheap but I've only seen them for $200 or so, that isn't cheap to me) but do run my water through a high quality purifier (cabon with a compact floss prefilter) before adding salt. I know many reefers would look down on this, but honestly it's the best I think I can do. A stiff nylon scrub brush and a saturday "all nighter" is all it took for me. Dakota
An RO with DI unit is a good way to go.

You want one with at least a Prefilter + Carbon filter before the RO membrane.

PM me if you need more detail.
I got my 6-stage
a> and couldn't be more pleased with it.