Green star polyps not opening


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I have 2 colonies of green star polyps in my tank. One is a large neon green and the other is a smaller more of a blue-green color. The smaller colony has been doing fine for the past 6 months and spreading. Within the week each day less and less polyps are coming out until today almost none of the polyps opened. The larger colony is fine and opening just the same. All other corals doing fine. I dont understand why this colony would suddenly go downhill but the other is fine. I tested my water and everything is the same as before. I cant find anything that would cause this? The only thing I can think of is I did change my bulbs recently. Would that cause it? No other corals seem to be bothered by the new bulbs. Should I move it lower in the tank? All the polyps are there but they are just not opening.

Temp : 79-80
Salinity: 1.025
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
PH: 7.9 - 8.0
Alkalinity: 8-9
Calcium: 420
Seems like mine stay closed for a few days every month or so, they always re-open in my case.
Alk seems a bit low at 3.21 meq/L (Calculator">HERE</a>) They tend to like it between 4 and 6 meq/L Natural seawater averages 3.5 meq/L (total alkalinity).

They could be telling you something.

Also, look to see if anything nearby could be irritating or stinging them.

I've seen Green Star Polyps stay closed for upwards of a month after a trauma - and come right back again, so they should pull through just fine, once you figure out what is bothering them.
