Guess I should introduce myself


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Hi all, just joined the club. My name is Jeff, I'm a student at Auburn University in Alabama (figured it was close enough to ATL since I do know people who commute to ATL from here).

I've had freshwater tanks since I was a little kid, guppies, mollies, tetras, angels, oscars, cichlids, etc, and have a 10 gallon betta tank in the bar and a 55 gallon community tank in my room with German Blue Rams, Angels, and Cardinal Tetras (from Optimum Aquarium). Anyways, I bought my 75 this past August and was planning to make a Discus tank. I was researching the prices of Discus and thought, if I'm going to pay $60 for a fish, it might as well be a saltwater fish, and that's where it started.

I spent a few weeks researching while the tank sat empty. I built my sump, purchased all the equipment, put the saltwater, sand, and live rock in, and waited some more, still researching. My live rock all came from Optimum Aquarium in Marietta because my girlfriend's family lives up there and it gave me an excuse to go up to her house for a weekend, picking up the rock on the way out of town. I currently have about 90lbs of rock and still would like to get another 20-30lbs before I do my final aquascaping with dowels and what not. The LFS here charges about $10 a pound for rock that is basically seeded lava rock...

On to the livestock; I have 2 Ocellaris Clowns, 3 Chromis, a Six Line Wrasse, an Orange Firefish, a Yellow Headed Jawfish, a Neon Goby, and a Flame Angel. I have one cleaner shrimp and 2 peppermint shrimp, with a host of nassarius, Nerite, Cerith, Astrea, and Turbo snails, as well as some Scarlet Reef Hermits from Optimum Aquarium. All fish are eating frozen food, and the clowns eat flakes as well, straight out of my hand.

I have 2 stalks of Xenia, one Kenyan Tree Coral, a nice sized rock with Green Star Polyps, 2 Ricordea Florida mushrooms, and a Feather Duster.

I'm running an Eshopps PF800 overflow box (which hasn't lost syphon since I started it some months ago) with a Hofer Gurgle Buster, The sump houses a Coralife 125 Super Skimmer which has been performing well and the return is a Quiet One 2200 (soon to be a Mag 9.5 as soon as it gets here :yay:). In tank circulation is provided by 2 Hydor Koralia 3's and a spray bar for the return from the sump.

The lighting is a T5 Nova Extreme with ATI and UVL bulbs (I forget exactly which is which, but 2 daylights and 2 actinics). I'm already looking to upgrade to an 8 lamp Tek fixture after Xmas or a metal halide/T5 combo.

Anyways, look forward to learning more from you guys and picking up some more good deals.

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Welcome...good start.

First piece of advice...reseach before you buy, buy used when you can and don't rely on check valves!
War Eagle!! Next time I'm going to be near Auburn I may want to stop by and see your tank. My mother-in-law lives in Opelika. And I was class of '83. Yep, I'm old enough to be your mother.
War Eagle! Haha, I think you're a bit younger than my mom.

Seriously, if you do come through and wouldn't mind bringing some frags or something down let me know. There's only 3 pet stores in town, one has damsels, one is PetCo, and the other only has soft corals and some LPS, not much variety and I only make it up to Atlanta about every two months, usually leaving late Sunday night when everything's closed.
Welcome to the club- I live in Columbus, so we aren't too far. Anytime you get over this way, you are welcome to come by and check out our tank!
au01st;254664 wrote: I can only say one thing in response...

At least we can beat Florida!:yay:
Not this year you didn't, you barely beat anyone :)....and got you butt handed to you by Bama :D
I'm in my 5th year.

Yeah, the Discus setup would have been cheaper, but saltwater is so much cooler and I'm glad I got one.

Not this year you didn't, you barely beat anyone :)....and got you butt handed to you by Bama :D

I can't even count on one hand the number of times we've beat yall in the past 10 years. We didn't get our butts handed to us by Bama, we got our butts handed to us by Satan I mean Saban. :D Yall could have been a real powerhouse if you hadn't passed up Tebow for JP (for the record, I've known JP since 3rd grade and I was his catcher in little league....He's an arrogant little prick and I'm sure he'll have fun selling insurance the rest of his life).
War Eagle! My brother is a freshman there so i'm there often. Where do you live in relation to Sewell hall? Or the TKE house? When i come down next I'll have to stop by and have a look
I live out on Wire Road just past the Struttin' Duck.

If your brother is a freshman, he may not know where that is. It's off campus past the vet school.